Case Study in Threats of Workplace Violence From a Non-Supervisory Basis. By Taylor, Cathy; Zeng, Heather. Mustang Journal of Law & Legal Studies; 2011, Issue 2, p55.…
This assignment required me to find an article on violence in the office and write a brief overview of the article using the university library. I will discuss different types of violence that lead to office violence. I will then discuss ways in which a company can control the influences that incite office violence.…
Full Text: Workplace violence appears to be on the rise, as indicated by the increasing reports in the media. In some cases, the events involve workers who have been reprimanded for their job performance, denied promotion, or been let go. Other instances arise from conflicts among co-workers. A prominent example is the OC Transpo Case in Ottawa where a worker was teased for stuttering and returned to the work site with a gun and killed four co-workers. There have also been situations where problems outside the workplace, such as a divorce or other forms of domestic or financial stress, result in violent acts at work. Perhaps the most disturbing incidents have been the high-profile shootings by disturbed students of teachers, staff, and other students at schools such as Columbine, Colorado. Generally, workplace threats fall into two specific categories - those where the intent is to intimidate and those where the intent is to actually carry out the violence. Bullies usually enact the first type. These are people that have had a great deal of success as children, and later as adults, in getting their way through threatening behaviour. They will usually back down when confronted. The second type is more dangerous because the perpetrator often does not make specific threats before taking action (although in most cases there are red flags that indicate the person is potentially violent). Definition of Workplace Violence * Behaviour that would be interpreted by a reasonable person as carrying potential for violence at the work site or against a worker *A substantial threat to harm a worker or endanger the safety or well-being of another employee *A substantial threat to destroy company property * Any act of physical assault * Abnormal behaviour that may cause emotional or physical distress to another worker Although the incidence of violent…
Organizations with policies on workplace violence are more likely to implement practices that can reduce the potential for workplace violence. The managers in these organizations indicated that counseling for potentially violent employees, investigating unfairness in the workplace, disciplining/arresting people responsible for violent acts, mandating fair treatment for terminated employees, using mediation to resolve disputes that have the potential for becoming violent, and intervening in problems between employees were part of their workplace violence policies. These elements are further evidence…
Aggression is the feeling of anger and hatred that may result in threatening or violent behavior. It is also a physical or emotional expression of the feelings of dissatisfaction arising out of the comparison between what people presently have and what they believe they should have, what they ought to have or what they believe is ideal. The theories of aggression assert that aggression is the inevitable result of frustration or conflict, they affirm that aggression results out of an innate instinct flowing towards destructive tendencies and maintain that aggression arises out of social dysfunction. According to Dollard (1939) the frustration-aggression theory of aggression asserts that aggression is always an inevitable result of frustration.…
Institutional aggression is aggressive behaviour displayed within an institutional situation such as a school or prison. Most research into institutional aggression has been conducted in prisons.…
Which of the following statements BEST defines how current legislative approaches define workplace violence and aggression?…
Workplace violence is a serious issue as it violates a fellow human being’s right to be free from abuse . It is an act against an employee or group of employees which makes them feel uncomfortable or an assault on their personal space , dignity which is violation of human rights .…
The article that I read about addresses a lot of information about violence in the work place, a lot of information that I was unaware about. Many people are not aware of the violence that can occur in the work place when they get up in the morning and get ready to go to work. Although there are many ways to prevent violence in the work place, when it does happen it can take a toll on anyone involved. There are many reasons work place violence can occur, and each type of violence takes a different approach. However the key thing this article discussed was prevention and working on solutions of work place violence.…
For the purposes of this paper the problem identified is lateral violence in the workplace. Rosswurm and Larrabee (1999) discuss this process to include comparing the internal data with external data and involving the shareholders. There is much evidence to support the fact that lateral violence is a real and troubling problem in the nursing profession. The external data of evidence spans over twenty – years’ worth of documented research that describes and proves the presence of lateral violence in the world of professional healthcare particularly as it pertains to nurses (Griffin, 2004). Lateral violence is known by many names; psychological terrorism, nurse – to – nurse aggression, and bullying (Griffin, 2004; Jennings, 2008; Embree & White, 2010); however, the essence is the same. This author was interested in assessing the relevance and importance of this evidence due to an overwhelmingly evident trend in the emergency department in question. The internal data suggested that the high turn – over rate and many unexplained absences that plagued the ED were due in part to factors outside of the short staff and long hours. The shareholders gathered to discuss the problem and initiate a positive change, included all levels of emergency room management, a select group of staff members, and hospital…
Many individuals like to think that violence does not exist, but it does and it is considered a “public health problem that has a substantial impact on individuals, their families and communities, and society, and it affects millions of people physically, mentally, and comes with a lot of economic consequences” (Understanding and Preventing, 2013, p. 2). This course also shed light other issues by reading articles on issues that might affect our jobs, LEOs, people department or the…
Horizontal violence also affects students and nurses new to the profession who depend on their superiors’ mentorship and support to reach optimal potential. I have experienced new nurses and hires to the healthcare profession being victimized by individuals in leadership positions, especially medical support staff, emergency room technicians, unit secretaries and environmental staff. These individuals often have difficulty achieving success due to the constant conflict with the work environment (Kahlil,…
In the health care industry, it is difficult to get accurate incidence statistics because violence is often underreported. There are multiple reasons why an employee would fail to report a threatening or injurious action, directly affecting his or her personal safety and well being. Because medical services are perceived to be a public entitlement, nurses are often empathetic to the frustration and vulnerability of the patients and visitors and violence is frequently considered to be “just part of the job”.…
Violence in the workplace is increasingly widespread and it could result in significant cost for both young workers and the institutions (Leck & Galperin 2006). Horizontal violence can occur in any workplace where there is an unequal distribution of power or where a group’s independence is controlled by another group with more intense power and status (DalPezzo & Jett, 2010).…
Bartol, Curt R., Anne Bartol. Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach, pp. 296 Chapter 10- Multiple Murder, School Violence, and Workplace Violence, 10th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 12/2012.…