Violence in the workplace is increasingly widespread and it could result in significant cost for both young workers and the institutions (Leck & Galperin 2006). Horizontal violence can occur in any workplace where there is an unequal distribution of power or where a group’s independence is controlled by another group with more intense power and status (DalPezzo & Jett, 2010).
In this literature review, I will explore the topic “Horizontal Violence in Nursing”. I will include the definitions, history, contributing factors and behaviours of horizontal violence. Afterwards, the issues faced by new graduates related to transition and the various strategies to deal with it will be described. I have read through many articles and quite a bit of research have been done. Meanwhile, I have come across many themes and will consider 4 themes in this literature review- oppression in women, nursing academia, new graduates and ageism. In between the discussion, the gaps, weaknesses, consistencies, inconsistencies and limitations in the research will also be reviewed. Finally, I will end the study with by drawing a conclusion.
Horizontal violence (HV) is defined …show more content…
A study conducted by Yildirim (2009) found out that insufficient staffing, huge workload and youth contributes to horizontal violence in nursing. This could sequentially lead to negative behaviours by nurse managers toward young nurses. Giddings (n.d.) also stated that this not only affects the nurses within their professional boundaries, but also the whole health care system, particularly their clients. In fact, Fudge (2006) pointed out that horizontal violence can be easily identified, if we have knowledge of the different behaviours shown by the bullies, the causes, the effects and the preventive