A Book Analysis
In the book Intimate Allies, the author opens up with an heartfelt introduction. The authors give an overwhelming description of the bases, foundation, and criteria for which this book will focus upon; as it pertains to marriage and God’s design for marriage. The author gives no lack of his belief on marriage and the guidelines he has accepted to follow, as well as express to couples who are married or those expecting to join together in marriage. Intimate Allies was well researched by the author on a theological perspective, for there are many biblical passages given as references throughout the book. The analyzing of this book will continue with a critique of how the book and some comparison and contrast, between the Bible, and notes discussed in Marriage and Family, as well as the views of the author of the book. The author of this written analysis will include his view of marriage and the role of each spouse as a final view point of the discussion.
Critique of the book After reading Intimate Allies, the major strengths were the ways the author keep his focus of aligning marriage to display the image of God, the way spouses are to express the image of God, the tremendous knowledge the author possesses of the topic, and those biblical references to affirm each claim and belief express by the author. The author overwhelmingly implements the entire book with supporting scriptural references from the Bible to confirm any statement or suggestion made from the author. In the first several chapters 1-5, the author opens up with the statement of “God’s belief or God feels,” which is then follow by how each spouse is to represent that image of God that was given to them from Creation. In the beginning all the references made you feel that you it was more of a seminary how to book, instead of a book design to correct and implore God’s design on marriages. However the author was able to