Scene 2: …show more content…
The room was absolutely silent, and for a moment Jonas feared that he might disgrace himself now on the first day of his training , by falling asleep. Then he shivered”(80). Jonas receives his first memory. The memory consists of snow, sleds, hills, runners. When Jonas opens his eyes he wonders why the community does not have snow, sleds, hills, runners. The giver explains that there is weather control now. Snow, sleds and runners were only used in winter so and now that winter was gone the community didn’t need them.
Scene 8: Memories become intense/The war scene
Jonas starts to recieve more and more intense memories like war. Jonas finds the giver struggling and decides to help by taking a memory. But, not knowing about warfare Jonas is horrified. When Jonas exits is in shock of the memory. Jonas refuses to go home. The giver says he can stay and will inform his family when he stops sobbing.
Scene 9: Jonas transmits to Gabriel “He was not aware of giving the memory; but suddenly he realized that it was becoming dimmer, that it was sliding through his hand into the being of the newchild.”(92). Jonas was at first a surprised that he could transmit to Gabriel. The memory seemed to help Gabriel become calm enough to sleep. It helped Gabriel sleep soundly. So, Jonas’s parents decided have Gabriel continue to sleep in Jonas’s room. Jonas began to use memories to help gabe sleep every night like a boat ride on a