Man is not hungry only for bread, he is capable of tireless searching for someone to worship. The Grand Inquisitor says that man want to believe and worship together, in a community. He says "This craving for community of worship is the chief misery of every man individually and of all humanity from the beginning of time."(263). Most people want universal worship not because of solidarity or alliance but to abolish possible quarrels. The enthusiasm comes from the fact that anyone outside the community is a reminder of doubt and of the fragility of their moral system.
The Inquisitor's Church, which is connected with the Devil, tries to provide people with strength and security in their lives, even if by doing so it …show more content…
guarantees that they will be damned in the eternal life. Dostoevsky establishes that people need the end, the bread and he's worried that the modern society will turn to their senses and people could turn destructive. In his works Nietzsche has a different view about society. "Liberal institutions cease to be liberal as soon as they are attained: later on, there are no worse and no more thorough injurers of freedom than liberal institutions." "Liberalism: in other words herd-animalization."(541section 38)
Here Nietzsche regards principles as being formed by the community in the course of their evolutionary process. He created the term herd instinct, which represents the kind of ideology produced by a group of people, such as a community. Nietzsche talks about the institutions and state, which he doesn't like, saying that the state has a herd mentality. When Nietzsche talks about the overman, he sees this individual as somebody who can overcome the herd instinct, who can take on principles that are not connected with the society.
On the Jewish Question, Marx says that "state is an illusory community" meaning that people are not completely free in the society. Marx considers property being an institutionalization of interests. In opposition to Nietzsche who talked about his atheism in order to bring in people's attention their natural freedom, Marx believes in personal freedom and thinks that can be achieved through community. The community can lead to a well rounded personality but also could mean vulnerability. Marx argues that political emancipation is a barrier for human emancipation. However it seems that are at least two aspects of alienation.
One is alienated labour and the need for human beings to emphassize their communal essence. Human beings exist as a community, and what makes human life possible is our common trust on the vast network of social and economic relations which surround us all. Marx's view appears to be that we must, somehow or other, acknowledge our collective existence in our institutions. On the Jewish Question, Marx wrote: "Let us notice first of all that the so-called rights of man, as distinct from the rights of the citizen, are simply the rights of a member of civil society, that is, of egoistic man, of man separated from other men and from the
He argued that man is "regarded as an isolated monad, withdrawn into himself."(42). Property form tha base of civil society but Marx doesn't really like civil society. He wants to see the people as part of a community, united with other people and this way the state would be an establishment trough which everyone will achieve collectivity. I don't think this means necessarily to renounce to one's individuality. To accomplish their needs, individuals must unite with other individuals; people need to feel at least some connection to other people. Before, they didn't have much choice about it because in a small village people would knew everybody and one couldn't avoid having a sense of community.In The Communist Manifesto Marx talks about abolishing the property that enslaves people.The proletars are numerous and they fight the burgeoisie who directly exploiys them. We talk mainly about these two classes because they are the ones who are key oponents in this revolution. The proletarians will determine the major changes, the other clases are only bystanders or give them tools to fight the burgeoisie.The communism is focused on present, and will dissolve the independent burgeoise society.