We can’t know about everything, and establish a dependence on other sources to feed us necessary information. What happens with secondary sources is that they’re open to interpretation; because we’re observing the story through someone else’s perspective. Like the citizens of Seattle, we don’t expect the media to lie to us; we assume they have an objective stance on issues. Conspiracy theories are dependent on the circulation of information, and asking questions necessary question. Seattle’s Windshield Epidemic parallels the allegory of the cave described by Plato. We see what is illuminated onto the walls, and assume it as reality. The puppet masters exist as the Media, depicting information what we want to see. The epidemic shows that while trapped in the cave we’re exposed to the perspective being fed to us. It isn’t till researchers did a conclusive study to examine the windshields, that they learned that it was all fear-mongering being perpetuated by the media. There was no epidemic, instead it was a false reality everyone believed in. The media served to quantify the issue, amidst impending threats on the sovereign state. Although the epidemic can help assist us in understanding the modus operandi, it shows conspiracy theories can stem from
We can’t know about everything, and establish a dependence on other sources to feed us necessary information. What happens with secondary sources is that they’re open to interpretation; because we’re observing the story through someone else’s perspective. Like the citizens of Seattle, we don’t expect the media to lie to us; we assume they have an objective stance on issues. Conspiracy theories are dependent on the circulation of information, and asking questions necessary question. Seattle’s Windshield Epidemic parallels the allegory of the cave described by Plato. We see what is illuminated onto the walls, and assume it as reality. The puppet masters exist as the Media, depicting information what we want to see. The epidemic shows that while trapped in the cave we’re exposed to the perspective being fed to us. It isn’t till researchers did a conclusive study to examine the windshields, that they learned that it was all fear-mongering being perpetuated by the media. There was no epidemic, instead it was a false reality everyone believed in. The media served to quantify the issue, amidst impending threats on the sovereign state. Although the epidemic can help assist us in understanding the modus operandi, it shows conspiracy theories can stem from