Ainment. it’s a film with something for everyone. The Green Mile is base off a
Book by the great writer Stephen King. The movie was true the book, and it Brought all the details of the book to life its a real classic, and a wonderful movie for all to enjoy of all ages. The raw emotions of the actors and talent made My all time faorvite movie to watch. This movie was writen and directed by Frank Darabont. This movie center is based around the relationship and bond between a white man and a black death row inmate that was wrongley accused of the rape and munder of two little white girls in 1930.
Paul Edgecomb( Tom Hanks) is a death row inmate guard who is to protected the green mile. John Coffey ( Micheal Clarke Duncan) plays a death row inmate with faith healing powers. The movie is told in a flashback format by Paul, and tells the story of paul and his life as corection officer on death row during the great depression and the supernatural events he witnessed.