Wiretapping can prevent many serious accidents from occurring which could save many lives .According to Leslie Ellis, “The 1,149 court-ordered wiretaps in 2001 produced 3,683 arrests, and 732 conviction-proofs enough that electronic surveillance is a valuable tool in catching the bad guys."With this valuable fact, this clearly proves how effective wiretapping can be. Many say this would be a violation of the U.S constitution, but that is incorrect. The U.S Constitution contains …show more content…
no express right to privacy. Wire tapping should be legal because the government could save lives, monitor questionable suspects, prevent terrorism all around the world, and make the militaries jobs easier.
With wiretapping, the government could save a lot of lives. For examples, if a person is searching how to kill themselves on the internet, the government can see that and try to stop the terrible incident from occurring. With this, many lives could be saved each and every day. According to USA Today, “The 2012 National crime Victimization Survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that 26 of every 1,000 people experienced violent crime, a 15% increase in how many people reported being victims of rape, robbery or assault.
Terrible crimes happen all around us every single day. Many innocent people are convicted and maybe even arrested for something they didn’t do. With wiretapping, many innocent people could be saved from being convicted or going to jail. Wiretapping also has many other useful effects on our world.”Instead of paying the police to chase after prostitutes, investigate bingo games for gambling offenses and bust marijuana parties, many people might prefer to pay guards to protect their homes and streets… Tax substitution could compel the police to be more responsive to their true purpose-the protection of lives and property from violence and theft.”(Foldvary)With this statement, this proves how much wiretapping can help law enforcements with arrestments and possibly saving lives.
For example, if a person gets on goggle and searches how to make a bomb, the government can react to that and see what they need a bomb for. Also, wiretapping monitors questionable people. Anybody that searches anything bad or that can harm someone else,, that person will be asked about whatever they searched. This will not affect your everyday life by any means. For example, if you search something that couldn’t harm someone elso you wouldn’t get a red
flag. Also, wiretapping could prevent terrorism all around the world. According to David B.Mulhlhausen, Ph.D and Jena Baker McNeill,”Between 1969 and 2009, there was 38,345 terrorist incidents around the world. Of these attacks, 7.8 percent (2,981) were directed against the United States, while 92.2 percent (35,364) were directed at other nations of the world.” Overall, wiretapping can be vary valuable source when catching and possibility arresting criminals. Furthermore, wiretapping can make the militaries job much easier. Not only that but wiretapping can prevent terror, help stop crimes, and save innocent lives.