Ashford University
MHA620, Health Policy Analyses
March 13, 2013
The cost of receiving treatment- cost effectiveness
Hard-core diseases have proved to be hell for most people because of the high costs of treatment. In a country like the U.S. that is a world leader in advanced medical care, a significant proportion of its total gross domestic product (GDP) is used to fund health care. A lot of money is used in treating some of these diseases and there is no guarantee that the disease will be totally suppressed. The private sector spends more on health care and the government provides funds in enhancing the health sector. The aspect of spending more in health than in food triggers massive debate. The U.S. sees exorbitant spending on health care is an indicator of growth.
Why not invest more in the food industry and spend more on the most nutritious diets? With this, you not only prevent many diseases but also improve the life span of many people. Most of the Americans are middle-class and always find it hard to access the health facilities due to the high costs. This is illogical because the government can pump a lot of cash in agriculture by purchasing the best farming equipment and putting aside funds for intensive research on the various types of nutritional foods. What we are seeing is a case of misplaced priorities where the government is trying to spend more on non-essentials in the name of providing quality health care. Why not subsidize these costs and invest more in the nutritional value to keep people healthy. Cancer is a disease with no cure and its treatment pokes holes in the pockets of the few who can afford. Massive funds have been put aside on treatment machines and intensive research. This is not proper because the government should advocate for civil education on the importance of a healthy diet. Many people don’t know what they consume and the dangers being posed and end
References: Beck, M. (2010, February 8). The Doctor Will Never See You Again; Physicians Can Boot Patients for Unruly Behavior, Drug Abuse and Other Reasons, but Must Follow Rules. Wall Street Journal (Online). Retrieved April 8, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. Krugman, P., & Wells, R. (2008). The Health Care Crisis and What to do About it (5th ed.) Retrieved March 15, 2013, from issue creativedestruction Herzlinger, R. E. (2009). Market-driven health care: who wins who loses in the transformation of America 's largest service industry Merino, N. (2011). Health care. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press. Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2008). Essentials of the US health care system. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett. VA health care contract labor cost analysis in RAND study. (2009). Washington, DC: U.S