Comments: Health has always been a highly concerned issue across the globe, and as you can see, China’s public health has made significant changes over the years. According to the article, the average life span has increased throughout the past few decades, it has increased about 14 years on average. At the same time, the infant mortality has decreased rapidly due to better neonatal and maternal care. Another important factor is the improved hospital and medical facilities, as the Chinese government has now ramped up healthcare expenditure. Therefore, children nowadays are generally healthier than the past generations. But at the same time, there are many risks factors for long-term disability in China, such as poor eating habits and high blood pressure. Eating habits has always been crucial when it comes to health, nowadays China’s population are consuming too much salt and fat, which are mostly from eating fast foods. They prefer eating fast food over healthy foods as it is cheap and tasty at the same time, but they never thought about the consequences of eating
Comments: Health has always been a highly concerned issue across the globe, and as you can see, China’s public health has made significant changes over the years. According to the article, the average life span has increased throughout the past few decades, it has increased about 14 years on average. At the same time, the infant mortality has decreased rapidly due to better neonatal and maternal care. Another important factor is the improved hospital and medical facilities, as the Chinese government has now ramped up healthcare expenditure. Therefore, children nowadays are generally healthier than the past generations. But at the same time, there are many risks factors for long-term disability in China, such as poor eating habits and high blood pressure. Eating habits has always been crucial when it comes to health, nowadays China’s population are consuming too much salt and fat, which are mostly from eating fast foods. They prefer eating fast food over healthy foods as it is cheap and tasty at the same time, but they never thought about the consequences of eating