First of all, these fantasy creatures have many positive things like Bilbo is a adventures hobbit because of his mother side of the family that is the tookish the reason why he likes the tookish side is because that is the adventurous side and he always make sure he is a nice guy. The dwarves are very brave because they helped Bilbo when he was in trouble. Thorin is the main darf he is the leader and he is very intelligent
he is also brave cuase he tried to rescue his friends from the trolls. Gandalf is a magical wizard, he is so intelligent, he is so brave, and he is caring.
In addition the author made these fantasy creatures have some negative trait like Bilbo baggins side is his father side and they are not adventures at all and that made it to where first he didn't want to go on the journey. Gandalf isn't always there when they are on this journey he is always off and on during it and he is slow because of his age, he is very old. The dwarves eat a lot of food and is always eating when they get a chance and they are very selfish especially when it comes to food.
Furthermore all of the characters in this book are very intelligent and being intelligent is very important when going on a journey. Gandalf is really intelligent because he tricked the troll with many different voices. Bilbo is very intelligent because he picked up a key that help them get into the troll's cave and in the cave had food, jewels, and swords. Bilbo also thinked quick when the trolls were confusing them.
Obviously the author made it to where the characters have a personality because they all have positive reactions and negative reactions and they are all very intelligent.