But their market, as it seemed in the documentary, looks a lot like a farmer’s market.
The Huli culture has adapted to new ideas about school, religion, and tourism very differently. For example, they have adapted to a new idea for school because the boys would only go to school, and not the girls. But now they girls and boys both go to school. Their religion consists of a collection of myths from dama, humans and gamu. The dama is dieties and ghosts that they believe are their ancestors, which they believe that they affect human affairs by giving or taking life. Gamu is how they are placed and honored through a variety of types. The Huli are just people with a deep religious view who experience life on one plane, the present world of men and ghosts.
The marriage costumes of the Huli is very odd for us.
Their marriage is considered as polygyny, which is when the husband has multiple wives. But when the male is married again, the wife is basically “dumped,” but she cannot remarry because she is still married to the male. Once the husband has remarried, anything the first wife had access to, goes straight to the new wife. And the first wife will not receive anything even if the male dies. But when a male goes to get married, he has to ask the mother and father for the “bride price,” and if the male serves the right price, then he will marry her. Many parents will ask for more pigs since they are a …show more content…
The development on the past decades has affected the Huli people very differently.
I believe they are not that happy about having to adapt to new customs because they want to continue doing things the ways they always have. But I do not think this has impacted men as much as it has impacted women. Because the women do most of the work, have the children, and have to continue to “share” their husbands, how we would see it. But they are still working on getting use to the changes and still making new changes. Now globalization is happening more and more every day, where they are becoming more “westernized.”
In Japan, globalization is completely different. After World War II, it took Japan over two decades to be recovered. But even Japan is more developed than the United States is in some aspects. Most of the people were well educated, and was reindustrialized in the 1950’s. In Japan, they use to believe that you should “keep to their own kind” and that there should not be any intercultural relationships. The same attitude so still around and always will be, but now it is more common for intercultural relationships to
Japan differs from the Huli culture because the Huli culture is considered “very undeveloped” in a lot of aspects. And they are completely opposite from each other. We are more like Japan than the Huli Culture is. We can start of how there cannot be any intercultural relationships that go on because that is just uncalled for, for the Huli’s. The Huli can obviously have multiple children, but will constantly only want boys. They may have girls, but they may only keep one or two of them. After having a girl, especially more than one, that they would more than likely get rid of her and then continue to try for that boy. Also, they do not know that sex lead to pregnancy. So they think that when a woman is pregnant, it is something spiritual and they become very excited about it.