The human body is essential to our daily lives. Depending on what we consume, will in deed determine our health factor. In addition to that depending on certain foods, herb and supplements can either be change in the body for good or the worse. It is very important to know how our body works, so that we can make better decisions on the food decisions we make once or twice a month while we are at the grocery store. Making wise decision is also a huge part on our body health, avoid fast foods as much as possible, we have previously learned that fast food is majorly processed and will harm the human body. In addition to that there are many supplements herbs that will help keep the body healthy and fight off diseases, but there may be some that do the body no good.
The human body is designed to process our food and convert it into energy that our body will use throughout the day. Our digestive system plays the main role in this, our digestive system is made up of 30 feet of pipework starting from the mouth and ending in the anus. Once we swallow the choice of food it goes through the esophagus, then it is delivered into the stomach, a muscular chamber that distributes and mixes up food with digestive juice which targets protein and lipase which worked on fats. You must keep in mind that other organs play a huge role in the digestive system, which is another reason, we should watch the food we consume. The organs that are effected are our gallbladder, liver, and pancreas. The liver process nutrients absorbed into the blood.
Considering the foods we consume to stay healthy and fight disease. The body needs Omega- 3 Fatty acids to function properly. This supplement is needed because our body does not originally produce this. Fatty acids can be found in salmon, tuna, and other fatty fish, in addition to that you can find it in fish oil supplements. These fatty