enforcement could not really help the victims. Annie Clark and Andrea Pino started a movement of helping sexual assault victims and research of legislation and title nine, which they tried to find a approach to force institutes to do some action for stopping campus sexual violence. Many activists and victims of campus rape have stood out and announced that they would fight against campus rape.
I could feel the pain and sorrow of the victims and I was absolutely shocked about the terrifying reality of campus rape, that it is fairly common among all the American states.
It seems not surprising to me that institutes conceal and suppress these crimes due to large financial benefits and business, and the root of campus rape problem has buried and grown so deep within American culture and society. There is no doubt that women are oppressed within rape culture content, and not so much help available for these female victims when they repeatedly encounter sexual assaults. The barriers of oppression are constructed and conserved by men, which are made of social control and economic forces for benefiting men (Frye, n.d, P. 6). Sadly, the environment and regulations are defending these male perpetrators, who represent billion-dollar sports business and the fraternity. It is forlorn and hopeless when the victims went to the college administration and police department that they have trusted and put faith in, but they found none of them could help them. The wide range of rape denial and victim blaming have promoted and facilitated campus rape situation, so many times victims of sexual assaults would not report the crime because they know that the only outcome they could obtain would be the second psychological harm by aggressive language and verbal violence. This film and my feelings also reminds me the rape case of Li Tianyi in China, which Li Tianyi, a sixteen years old boy and four other young men gang raped a girl in a bar. Because of Li’s special background, that his father is a general in Chinese military army, it was really difficult to find enough evidence to charge Li, and his lawyers have also tried really hard to persuade the judge that Li and the others were just “took turns to have sex with the girl” and “the girl once sent consensual message”. Finally after three months, Li was sentenced ten years in jail with adequate evidence and huge national wide
pressure, which everyone thought he will get away with it. I could not imagine how terrible if Li escaped from the punishment, and I realize more that rape, especially campus rape, need to be pay more attention in our society.