Crimes such as assault (type two) happen in the heat of the moment and are most likely reoccurring no matter what the punishment is. Burglary (type one) crimes are planned crimes by intentional criminals and are preventable. In modern times practices such as crime prevention, alarm systems, and neighborhood watch prevent many planned attempts of burglary. During the post enlightenment era, this was not so, therefore, intense punishment, and humiliation, deterred criminals. …show more content…
The punishment for crimes during this period involved many forms of humiliation.
This humiliation also, came along with severe punishment. The thought process behind this was if one person saw this happen to another person for committing this crime, him or her would most likely not attempt to commit the same crime. In addition, the intense punishment and humiliation, unlike the fines and restitution we are more common with today, served as gratitude to the victims. Chapter 1 of the text states, “Corporal punishment was often administrated in public forum to add to the deterrent effect, thereby setting an example to
others” (Hanser, 2013:1).
During the post enlightenment era, there was not many other forms of punishment other than vengeance and humiliation to render to criminals. Jails and prisons rarely existed. “Imprisonment was simply a means of holding the accused until those in power had decided the offender’s fate” (Hanser, 2013:3). Before the enlightenment era, crimes that criminals planned and executed, such as burglary or murder had to have some type of harsh punishment to deter the crime. The idea and philosophy of punishment during this era would have maintained and deterred serious crimes from occurring.
Crime in general despite the extent had no formal rules or statues to dictate the punishment. In my opinion, the worst crime is an intentional crime. Intentional crimes have to be deterred to maintain some order and normality in society. In my opinion would be the only crime that would serve purpose of the harsh punishment and ideas of the post enlightenment era. It is my belief that criminals commit crime at of sure will and opportunity. Most crime that is planned such as burglary and murder still today carry death sentences and long prison sentences. Crimes that are violent and intentional must coincide with punishment that deters the criminal or they will destroy society. This is not only relevant in the present, and the future, but also relevant in the past.
Works Cited
Hanser, Robert D. Introduction to Corrections. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2013. Print.