David Carson graduated from San Diego state university, where he received a BFA degree in sociology. A former professional surfer, he was ranked #9 in the world during his college days. David Carson is currently the principal and chief designer of David Carson Design, Inc. with offices in New York City and Charleston, SC.
Carson is a designer whose unorthodox graphic style played a major role in his success in the design world. His sense of typography is original and unique in a way that he does not follow the basis of communication design. For example, his arrangement of text is not what we would normally see which is in order but positioned in disarray creating chaos and confusion which is new and refreshing. His use of interesting visual simultaneously with typography creates an out of the ordinary design where sometimes the images are deliberately obscuring the text that goes with it and occasionally creating an unfinished sentence or word. Simplicity runs through Carson 's veins where "less is more". Minimalism functions in his design where there are no extreme effects that would overpower his intention. His aim is to put everything out front in candor. For example, in his most current works, he designed a poster for a sold out tsunami relief benefit event where collection of donation was needed for the affected countries. In the poster, it showed an image of a giant wave with just one word depicted boldly on it help '. The message he wanted to portray was clear and straightforward.
Beach Culture was the magazine where Carson 's layouts and experimental fonts first appeared. This attracted an international crowd following the
References: Carson, D. (2005).David Carson Biography. Retrieved March 1, 2005 from the World Wide Web: http://www.davidcarsondesign.com Retrieved March 1, 2005 from the World Wide Web: http://www.complink.net/greg/designsite/carson.html