Day 1
The Implementation of Actos in our Performance-as-Research Project
The Actos technique can be defined in many different ways. The actos represent the reality of the current issues that is preformed in a satirical way but also conveys the underlining meaning of the issue. The actos strive to open eyes and create awareness of the certain issue by employing satirical and comical aspects in its skits and performances. A clear example was seen in class by the production of Los Chicanos, when the actors of Hispanic descent employed over-exaggerating stereotypes in their performances to spread awareness of racial discrimination again their race and the treatment of the Hispanic population in the society. Furthermore, actos inspires “the audience to social action, illuminate specific points about social problems, satirize the opposition, show or hint at the solution, and express what people are feeling” (Wikipedia). This can greatly be applied to our performance-as-research project because we are trying to spread awareness of wasteful water techniques through our presentation. We will try to illuminate specific point about this social problem. For example we will try to put emphasis on the wasteful techniques that occur in everyday households that are being neglected by most of the population. Some of these techniques include letting the faucet run when you are brushing your teeth. We will try to satirize the population that do not see any problem in letting the water run when brushing your teeth and also try to provide a solution such as turning the faucet off when the water is not needed and only turning it on specifically to wash the brush so that excess water isn’t wasted. Additionally we also try to satirize the part of the population that take unnecessary long amounts of time in the shower when there is not good reason for them to be in the shower for that long and also try proving a solution of this issue by informing that only certain amount of