November, 20th/2013
The Implications of Anti-Depressants on Todays Society
Depression is a mental/mood disorder or now known as a biological disease, which is widely described as a persistent low mood behavior, and is usually accompanied by low self-esteem and or by a loss of interest in normally enjoyable activities. So why are doctors prescribing medication that enables the same characteristics of depression people are trying to escape. Antidepressant medication, may relieve some depression symptoms. But antidepressants also come with significant side effects and dangers. What’s more, recent studies have raised …show more content…
For young girls like Amanda Todd, social media can trigger a person who is already suffering from a mild mental disorder and amplify it to no return. She didn’t kill herself because she was being bullied. The vast majority of children who are bullied don’t kill themselves. She killed herself because she was in the middle of a mental health crisis that should have been treated. Not jus with medication but a support system that she so obviously needed. As an adult myself, dealing with anxiety, generalized fear, a sense of helplessness and hopelessness was difficult enough, but for a child? The travesty here is not the bullying. The travesty is the below standard mental health care that contributed to her suicide. Amanda was a textbook case study of depression. She had previously attempted suicide. She was a cutter. She cried all the time. She admitted to self-medicating with drugs and alcohol; a common response to mental illness, often the result of the pain, physical, emotional and spiritual, that comes with mental illness.
Mental illness is not a death sentence, though “depressed people are thought to have shorter life expectancies than those without depression, in part because of greater proneness to medical illnesses and suicide.”(In-class …show more content…
But with depression, these feelings and symptoms seem to last forever and begin to interfere with normal regular activities. While there is no single cause of depression, some of the influencing factors include genetics, environment, distressing life events, biochemical imbalance in the brain, and psychological factors like; negative or pessimistic views of life. The main symptom of depression is a miserable, hopeless mood that is present almost every day and or most of the day. Depression even in the mildest cases impairs the person’s performance at work, at school or in social relationships. People may experience depression in very different ways. For example, as well as a sad mood, they may experience physical symptoms such as “Upset stomach, headaches or body aches and pains. Depression can affect the way a person thinks and how his or her body acts.”(Thompson, p