(ABE Goal 1) To what degree or in what ways do I nurture construction of a knowledgeable, confident, self-identify and group identity in myself?
For me, this goal means accepting the differences of people and increasing knowledge bi-culturally in order to be effective in my interactions with others whether this is in my business or business life.
It’s about taking the initiative to understand others, being comfortable and confident in whom I am while supporting and asking questions in order to gain knowledge about others.
(ABE Goal 2) How do I promote my own comfortable, empathetic interactions with people from diverse backgrounds?
I feel I do this through patience and being an active listener. …show more content…
I have really tried to support the relationship and encourage them to do Skype meetings to get to know these individuals and know that they are no different than us, and they may also think our language is hard to understand. In this situation, I believe it is about patience and taking the time to develop the relationship.
(ABE Goal 3) In what way do I foster my critical thinking about bias?
Thinking critical including trying to look at all elements when making a decision, ensuring to keep an open mind and do not form an opinion without all the facts which prevent the appearance of being biased. Fostering critical thinking would also include asking the right questions to understand others opinions, misconceptions and stereotyping.
(ABE Goal 4) Under what circumstances do I cultivate my ability to stand up for myself and for others in the face of bias?
I feel like this is a tough one as some people can be very confrontational when an unwanted opinion is offered or if they feel …show more content…
I believe the biggest hurdle is that people are resistant to change, some are closed off and really don’t have an open mind to the indifferences of people. Often people have one way of thinking about something and one opinion. In some situations, people have their beliefs, and won’t gear away from those beliefs. This also could be the upbringing of a person and the only way they know and the only way they want to know.
What might be ways for me to develop each of these goals in my work? In my personal life?
The main thing that I do is self-reflect on situations; I do this for my work and personal life. I reflect back on what I said, and my overall demeanor, and how I felt about what was being discussed. I feel this is extremely important to help an individual identify areas or opportunities to make changes and to be able to make that change in future interactions.
I also think staying up on changes and doing self-education on diversity and identity would be a good goal for both work and personal.
For ABE Gaol 1 & 2 - could be adding anti-bias into the curriculum at the