When I asked the administrator she seemed slightly confused and asked if we had someone coming in that did not speak English. I did find out that we use a communication board for daily interactions with nursing assistance and we encourage family involvement. If information is being exchanged regarding medication changes, diagnosis and informed consent first we check if their doctor can translate, because many use doctors that speak their native tongue. This information is gathered at time of admit and a care plan is formulated for the patient anticipating their arrival, in regards to the language barrier. The interdisciplinary team will decide what services may be required and place in the care plan for the staff to utilize. An order is also written given staff direction as to where to call and numbers and staff can sign off and document what was covered, time, date, and outcome of
When I asked the administrator she seemed slightly confused and asked if we had someone coming in that did not speak English. I did find out that we use a communication board for daily interactions with nursing assistance and we encourage family involvement. If information is being exchanged regarding medication changes, diagnosis and informed consent first we check if their doctor can translate, because many use doctors that speak their native tongue. This information is gathered at time of admit and a care plan is formulated for the patient anticipating their arrival, in regards to the language barrier. The interdisciplinary team will decide what services may be required and place in the care plan for the staff to utilize. An order is also written given staff direction as to where to call and numbers and staff can sign off and document what was covered, time, date, and outcome of