Go to MEDLINE at http://www.pubme44d.gov and conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below:…
Peer review is an important aspect of evidence-based practice. It is priceless to receive constructive feedback from colleagues. It will help open our eyes to areas we did not pay attention to. Two heads are always better than one. I am glad to hear that you will be using the feedback from your colleagues. So what will you do different if you have to do this exercise all over? Good luck in your future…
Advances in medicine have increased the life expectancy from 45 to 78 years of age in the last century. As the population ages, so does the number of chronic illness and the need for specialized end-of-life care. With the current shortage of trained hospice care providers, the push for utilization of nurse practitioners in this area of medicine is being looked at as a possible solution. Efficacy of a nurse practitioner led model of care has been demonstrated in the limited amount of studies done in recent years and shows promise of a solution to the shortage. The hospice model of care focuses on improving quality of life rather than prolonging it, and holistically embraces the principles of dying with comfort and dignity. Removing…
Evidence based practice helps us to ensure that we are providing the best possible care to our patients. By basing our care on practices that have outcomes based on evidence just makes since. They have been tested and proven to be effective on patients. We don’t have to do trial and error to find out what works the best for our patients, the work has been done for us. This gives our patients the best care possible. Many changes have been made over the past 10 years based on evidence based practices. There are many resources available to nurses, nurse managers, administrators and others that provide research that has been completed. These resources include different kinds of studies that have been performed. They include cohort studies, case…
Evidence-based practice is an anticipated core experience of all health care clinicians irrespective of position. Role modeling and participating in the skills are necessary to develop evidence-based practice into clinical and nonclinical courses and also an important part in developing positive attitudes toward evidence-based practice, that’s the first step for using evidence to guide practice decisions (Winters). One way to accelerate EBP In health care organizations are by obtaining support from entire culture. Advance practice and staff nurses as well as administrators must have the knowledge and have to believe about the importance of EBP and provide critical skills to support evidence-based care. The knowledge of nursing is built on a…
Evidence based practice is used as a framework for planning, implementing and evaluating care provided to clients as stated by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ, 2014). According to the AHRQ (2014), evidence-based research provides the basis for grounding clinical practice guidelines and recommendations in order to provide effective healthcare to patients. Furthermore, the AHRQ reported that the United States of America implement a preventive task force of experts to prevent and provide evidence based medicine to improve the health of all Americans with preventive medication and health screening (2014). It is the belief of this writer that clients value their health and strength, therefore preventive medication and health…
One of the most common and disabling psychological disorders encountered within mental health and general medical settings is that of an anxiety disorder (Dattilio & Kendall 2000). Research has indicated that people with learning disabilities are more prevalent to psychological disorders than the general population (Hassiotis et al 2000) consequently it could be hypothesised that prevalence rates of anxiety disorders are similar if not greater within the learning disabled population. Professional literature suggests that cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) has been an effective treatment against anxiety disorder (Beck 1995) however; this literature has predominately concentrated its focus to within the confines of mental health and general medical settings (Dattilio & Kendall 2000). The ability of people with learning disabilities to identify, evaluate and respond to their dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs, fundamentals of CBT (Beck 1995) have put into question the very use of this treatment programme for this particular client group (Kroese et al 1997). From a professional and personal perspective and through the utilisation of the Seedhouse (1998) 'Ethical Grid' responding to an anxiety disorder by way of CBT could be considered an ethically acceptable clinical intervention. Nationally and locally through government directives, 'Valuing People' (Department of Health 2001) and initiatives such as Health Action Plans (Department of Health 2002) services have recognised that they need to be more responsive to the mental health needs of people with learning disabilities. As a learning disability nurse wishing to ascertain the effectiveness of CBT as a practical intervention when presented with the dual-diagnosis of anxiety disorder and learning disability, is through the use of 'evidence-based practice'.…
Nursing research is used everyday in nursing thru evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice is used to make clinical decisions by using the best possible evidence garnered through liable sources( Attree,M. 2007). An Rn is always learning with thru textbooks,continuing education, and policy. This research allows the Rn to integrate evidence-based practice into their patient care. It is important that the Rn stays update on research so that she is giving the best possible care to her patients. For example most nurses think it is important to put a patient in trendelenburg for hypotension, but is proving in new research shows that there is no improvement in blood pressure with this use. This is an example of new research and improving patient…
This week the discussion focuses on why research and evidenced-based practice are important to the nursing profession.…
Effective planning would include the consideration of available resources (including workforce availability) and future organizational goals and outcomes. Evidence-based care plans are based on scientific facts and evidence gathered within an organization. These plans are developed in a manner in which the well being of the patient and the quality of care they receive is the number one priority. Throughout the AAC, evidence-based practice integrates the best evidence and clinical expertise in order to treat each patient individually and address their…
The trend towards chronic disease management provided by nurses utilizing evidence based practice (EBP) has increased, however barrier for acceptance for nurses as a care team member continues. A pilot study reported by Laughlin and Beisel (2010) reported the evolution, acceptance and barriers of nurses in a primary care setting as a member of the treatment team providing chronic disease management. In addition the study focused attention on the skill sets nurses utilizes to provide care of chronic conditions, emphasized the nurse being uniquely qualified to assess the needs of patients with chronic illness, the nurses ability to formulate a plan of care and facilitate coordination of care (p. 414). Although nurses have the experience and…
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an interdisciplinary approach to clinical practice that has been gaining ground following its formal introduction in 1992. It started in medicine as evidence-based medicine (EBM) and spread to other fields such as dentistry, nursing, psychology, education, library and information science and other fields. Its basic principles are that all practical decisions made should 1) be based on research studies and 2) that these research studies are selected and interpreted according to some specific norms characteristic for EBP. Typically such norms disregard theoretical and qualitative studies and consider quantitative studies according to a narrow set of criteria of what counts as evidence. If such a narrow set of…
The field of nursing is always improving and evolving. It is progressively moving forward as new information and research fuel our ability to provide proper patient care. In fact, I have seen the field change and develop in more ways than I can shake a stick. One of the most profound differences came with the inundation of technology and the connectivity of the internet. Never before has the patient been able to access so much information at their fingertips, or have medical professionals had such unprecedented access to patient records and global resources along with cutting edge techniques.…
Nurses are responsible in providing holistic, quality care to their clients. In order to effectively provide such care Boswell and Cannon (2009, p. 2 & 7) states that nurses must base their provision of care on the most current, up-to-date health information available and sound nursing knowledge. This is where evidence-based practice (EBP) comes in. Polit and Beck (2010, p. 4) defined EBP as "the use of the best clinical evidence in making patient care desicions". This usually comes from research conducted by nurses and other healthcare professionals. Thus it is pertinent that research reports are critically analyzed.…
End of life care is one of the most taboo topics in American society as it requires those involved to acknowledge that their lives will eventually come to an end. Planning for such an outcome can be difficult but ultimately it is necessary in order to save others from dealing with the burden of end of life care while unprepared. As a nurse it is especially important to have a firm grasp of the many different factors that weigh in decisions related to end of life care and be ready to assist both the patient and his or her family in any way needed when that time may come. A careful examination of the resources available in a community to assist with this care, the gaps in care prevalent in American society today, the cultural…