This wouldn't be your typical lifestyle that you would choose for a single parent. Taylor has to be the caregiver, and the provider, which is not easy. Yet she takes on the task. The last stop on their journey is in Tucson, Arizona. They meet a woman named Lou Ann who has a son named Dwayne Ray, she is also a single parent because her husband Angle isn't a very good man and he left her. Both Lou Ann and Taylor are single parents, they decide to move in together and raise the children. The encounter many problems along the way, they have 3 friends who are always there to help, Mattie, Esperanza, and Estevan. Mattie is a doctor who looked at Turtle and found that she had been abused more than Taylor had thought, and this made life all the more difficult to raise her, and harder to accomplish being normal
This wouldn't be your typical lifestyle that you would choose for a single parent. Taylor has to be the caregiver, and the provider, which is not easy. Yet she takes on the task. The last stop on their journey is in Tucson, Arizona. They meet a woman named Lou Ann who has a son named Dwayne Ray, she is also a single parent because her husband Angle isn't a very good man and he left her. Both Lou Ann and Taylor are single parents, they decide to move in together and raise the children. The encounter many problems along the way, they have 3 friends who are always there to help, Mattie, Esperanza, and Estevan. Mattie is a doctor who looked at Turtle and found that she had been abused more than Taylor had thought, and this made life all the more difficult to raise her, and harder to accomplish being normal