When Sal’s mother left, Sal didn’t know what to feel right away. She had always relied on her mother to feel sad or happy. Then Sal closed up. She wouldn’t let anyone that wasn’t a friend or family around her. Sal barely even talked to her dad because she was feeling a mix of emotions .…
She describes her teacher as “grandmotherly” and says she gave Yolanda a “special seat” so she could be tutored. The author gives the text a positive, comforting tone from her descriptions of the teacher and how Yolanda…
When she became a fieldworker, Esperanza had to go to a Mexican fieldworker farm in California to work. Her whole family came except for her grandmother, Abuelita because she broke her ankle in the fire. Esperanza was heartbroken because she had never been separated so far from a Abuelita. At the farm Esperanza met a girl, who was very rude to her, named Marta who convinced other Mexicans to strike for better living arrangements. Mama became sick with Valley Fever after a dust storm and later came down with Pneumonia when she was admitted into the hospital.This scared Esperanza because she could have gotten her fired. After the moment her mother got sick, Esperanza decided that she need to be the money maker in the house so she could pay for Mama’s doctors and medicine. Esperanza experience so many feelings in such a short amount of time, that it was clear to her that she needed to become the la patrona-head of the…
The author expresses the theme by showing how the young teen feels the exact opposite with her grandma to the way she feels around her family. The girl connects with her grandma. The grandma represents great loss. She represents great loss because the grandma was the only person that gave her a sense of hope. The grandma must die so the girl can let go of her resentment and rebirth her new accepting self.…
Alicia is Esperanza’s friend. She likes writing. She always studies all the night otherwise she would have a life like her mother. She wants happiness, her own life and to do the things whatever she wants. “Alicia, who inherited her mama’s rolling pin and sleepiness, is young and smart and studies for the first time at the university. Two trains and a bus, because she doesn’t want to spend her whole life in a factory or behind a rolling pin,”(31-32). Alicia is very young; she still has a chance to achieve her dreams. She knows if she wants stay away the life like her mother’s which is doing boring works in the factory, she needs to keep studying and writing. She believes that keeping writing can make a big change on her life. she can get a better life and a life with more freedom.…
Old Lady: loss of Ella had a big change on my life. Ella was my life; I would spend every moment I could with her. We always found something to talk about; Ella and I were like best friends, mother and daughter love. When Ella passed away it was as if I had died. I lost appetite and I was replaying memories over and over again. I shut off from the rest of the world and I suffered in silence. If it wasn’t for my husband I would have died from loneliness and depression.…
It is easy to tell that Granny is physically deteriorating, which is believable at her age. But, it is apparent that Granny is also struggling spiritually. Although she says that, “she had her secret comfortable understanding with a few favorite saints who cleared a straight road to God for her,” it is evident that she is still in conflict with the bitterness of being jilted, and the unexpected death of her husband (Porter 81). One can even go as far to say, that the “main concern of her adult life has been to heal her broken heart” (French 63). Her greatest concern was to forget George and to prove to John that she could raise the children and manage the household without him. This caused her to become an “expert in living on track,” even after she felt that she had derailed for a time (French 65). It is important to note, that a woman who is so obsessed with orderliness “has not yet thrown out George's sixty-year-old love letters” (French 76). These letters symbolize that George is fixed into Granny’s mind, and even after all these years of compulsive orderliness she cannot “clean him out” (French…
1. According to August, in order to feel the completeness stolen from her when her mother died, Lily must realize that she is loved by this Great Universal Mother.…
On the whole, the disintegration of Granny only proved that life will never be perfect—…
Although Taylor, Estevan and Esperanza's relationship has love and compassion it also has plenty of loss. The first sign of loss in their relationship was when Taylor found out that Esperanza's child, Ismene, had been kidnapped. Taylor did everything in her power to help Esperanza and Estevan cope with her child's loss. Taylor learned through the story of Ismene, how hard life can actually be. When Taylor left Oklahoma she had to leave behind Estevan as well. Leaving Estevan was a very distressing event in Taylor's life. When Taylor left Oklahoma her leaving Estevan was as big of deal as Esperanza leaving Turtle, and Turtle burring her doll.…
In “The Witch’s Husband,” Abuela is an old Puerto Rican woman who has some heart problems. Abuela is also very stubborn since she insists on taking care of the old man herself, and says she’s good when they tell her that she might die in her sleep. Abuela has five children of her own and took in many foster children. When people had hard times they would stay at Abuela’s house. Abuela is very proud of everything she does, whether it’s raising children or taking care of her garden. Abuela is old, but wise since she knows all the remedies for sickness and also old tales of witches. The stories that Abuela tells kind of relates to her when she went off to New York, because she wanted to leave home. Abuela again shows the kindness of her heart when she says, “Because I love him and I missed my children.” It is ironic that Abuela has heart problems because it seems like she has so much heart and care for people around her.…
First of all it is important to know the charters in the story, this story has 3 main charters: Vanessa, Grandmother McLeod and Vanessa’s father Ewen. During the short story it reveals 10 year old Vanessa’s inner most thoughts including her confusion and curiosity about the difficult times her family is going through with money and the future baby. Vanessa also shows a great deal of interest in her mother pregnancy as problems occur and fear strikes the family, it leaves Vanessa wondering and question her grandmother in hope for answers. Grandmother McLeod is another profound character we read about, although she does not give Vanessa all the right answers she does show Vanessa how her mind works by the answer she gives. In the story we see grandma is stuck in the past and living like she still has money. Grandmother McLeod spend…
At the age of two, Porter’s mother died and her Grandmother raised her, and then she too passed away when Porter was eleven years old. (Chapter 7: Early Twentieth Century - Katherine Anne Porter). This might be the experience that inspired her story. Her grandmother was described as a dominant woman, just like Granny Weatherall. This short story is a story told partly with a narrative technique known as stream consciousness, according to American psychologist William James. This technique allows authors to portray a character’s continuing “stream” of thoughts as they occur, regardless of the stories sequence. This explains why the short story is complicated to read because it is not in chronological order (a Study Guide). Porter spent two years in a sanatorium while she had tuberculosis, (Chapter 7: Early Twentieth Century - Katherine Anne Porter) which is where she could have encountered people who are in and out of consciousness. Also, Porter had 4 failed marriages and numerous love affairs with younger, married or otherwise unsuitable men (Chapter 7: Early Twentieth Century - Katherine Anne Porter) which could explain why Granny is left at the altar by George and feels jilted by the death of John. They both have had relationships that came to an end. During her first marriage, Porter converted to Catholicism, which is another theme in the story, since Granny is a…
Relationships do not always run smoothly. In passage I, Ezra is having a tough time dealing with his business partner, Mrs. Scarlatti, being sick in the hospital. Ezra had a good connection with Mrs. Scarlatti; he saw her as his second mother. Sadly, Mrs. Scarlatti had a harsh life. Her husband was cruel to her and lost her only son. Ezra was the only person in Mrs. Scarlatti’s life. She called Ezra her boy and her angel. Ezra symbolically communicates his love for Mrs. Scarlatti through her favorite dish, gizzard soup. In life, it is very hard to let someone that you love go. Ezra is trying to accept the fact that Mrs. Scarlatti is not going to be around much longer and must move forward. To more forward, he put the gizzard soup on the restaurant menu and hired waitresses, which Mrs. Scarlatti was strictly against. Also, passage II also depicts that relationships do not run smoothly, since a father is having a hard time realizing that his son is growing up and becoming a man. The father stated, “This summer he’s grown to my own height.” Also, it took place at night in the darkness with no flashlight, which illustrates a mysterious and uncomfortable situation. It is very hard for parents to realize that their children are no longer babies and need their freedom. Many times parents endeavor to hold on to their children and not let them go, but eventually they will need to. So, whether it is seeing a loved one go or seeing your children grow up, you must move on and realize that that is how life…
makes Vianne an outsider and she cannot get the appreciation of the inhabitants of the…