
The Importance Of Gun Laws In America

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The Importance Of Gun Laws In America
Guns started in China about one thousand years ago, but have been evolved in order to be more efficient in the amount and quality of ammunition shot as well as the accuracy and power of the guns. Gun use in America began when the nation was first colonized. The purpose of the guns were to help the colonists with gathering pelts and food, and defending them from attacks. Older guns were equipped with ammunition that was loaded into the gun from the muzzle, giving them their nickname muzzle loaders, and the hammer on the gun struck a flash pan that held gunpowder. These guns, known as muskets, have since been upgraded enough to have more advanced guns such as a Mossberg five hundred or an AR fifteen. For about a century America has had gun regulation, starting in 1934 when Franklin D. Roosevelt imposed a tax on machine guns and sawed off shotguns. The gun regulation has now progressed to a system that completes a background check and denies the person a gun if there is any criminal history. Laws are being promoted by congress to make it exponentially harder to obtain a gun for the safety of the public. …show more content…
Guns play an important role in American culture, but guns have been used for nefarious purposes. Womack argues for more gun control however there are people that will refute him stating there is too much gun control. In America, gun use is a very controversial subject that is sure to stir up quite a few

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