Harm reduction is a contrasting approach to addiction in that it does not pursue to reduce the use of substances. Rather, it aims to reduce the costs to programs that serve individuals who use substances legally or illegally ("Lecture 6," 2015). According to Abstinence Versus …show more content…
Individuals are more likely to take small attainable steps rather than a few huge steps. The asset of this is that multiple small steps and goals are motivating and led to larger steps and goals, such as abstinence and recovery further down the road. The use of harm reduction also keeps individuals and communities healthy increasing the odds of recovery for when they are ready and able to receive treatment they may take full advantage of help (Harm Reduction International, …show more content…
Although contrasting in that harm reduction does not pursue abstinence from substances, it does aim to reduce the costs to programs that serve individuals who use substances legally or illegally ("Lecture 6," 2015). Harm reduction accepts that drug use is a part of the world and it does not condone or ignore its use in those who do not or cannot access help to recover. Harm reduction possesses an overall importance to some client populations, an importance in the recovery from addictions, and addresses clients who would benefit more from harm reduction than