A system such as this, is called Universal Healthcare and a similar system has been used in other nations of the world. For example according to “What is Universal Healthcare?” “One of the most socialized systems is the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom, which was established in the wake of World War II, in 1948. Every facet of medical care is covered entirely from tax revenues, so that patients need not pay at all, either into a general insurance fund or in direct fees to a medical to a medical provider” (2013). Universal Health Care is not going away any time soon. It is going to become the mainstream medical coverage system in the United States and as more information is established people will either become more accepting or the issue will continue to raise …show more content…
Working for a well-known Non-Profit hospital has made my personal expense for health care coverage less out of my pocket. My employer absorbs most of the coverage cost, leaving a minimal portion for employees to pay as part of their premiums. This year our benefits took quite a drastic turn, many of our plans were eliminated and replaced with three specific plans and no longer separating medical and pharmacy coverage. My employer has also had to increase the employee’s contribution and significantly increase contributions from smoking employee’s. As a single income family the increase in my contribution along with an increase of copay’s, deductibles, and out of pocket expenses, we are going to have to cut in other areas to compensate. Overall I would rather have medical coverage for my family and struggle to come up with the defined patient responsibility versus having no medical coverage and struggling to pay thousands of dollars for medical