The Importance or a College Education in the Twenty-first Century
A college education is very important in the twenty-first century. By going to a two year or four year institution a student opens the door for many more opportunities in life, especially for a higher paying job. As he or she lives on their own, they learn self-study habits as well as responsibility. Social life in college allows students to meet new and interesting people and hopefully find someone special enough to marry. Lastly, the pupil gets a chance to work and study with some of the finest and most knowledgeable professors in the world. In receiving a college degree, students create more pathways for their future that increase job opportunities with higher more substantial pay. The more labor intense jobs in today’s society such as factory and manufacturing are become harder to find. Companies in the United States are looking for anyway to save money and become more productive in todays economy. Most businesses are sending their industrial plants across seas to countries such as China and Taiwan because minimum wage in these second and third world countries are much lower than the standard pay in the United States. Going to college and graduating with a degree in a chosen field of study greatly increase the chances of landing a solid and stable job. Self-study habits and responsibility are two aspects commonly over look while attending an institution of high learning. Going to class and participating during each lesson is important but learning how to study by ones self and managing time is vital while working in the real world. Bosses do not care how or when tasks get done as long as it is complete and perfect by the deadline. The same goes with the assignments given by college professors. The instructor may assign a project the first day of class and make it due by the final exam. He or she does not care if the student procrastinates till the week before the deadline;