Thesis: The mass media have effective power on people about the ideal femininity regardless the impacts on people’s health.
1. Paragraph:
Description of the media in my opinion
Media power on people (Gaunlet , p.37)
a) ‘We can choose what we like but from a limited range presented by the culture industry.’ Limitation of personal decisions. (Agree) b) ‘So far we’ve considered Horkheimer and Adorno’s criticisms of the quality of popular culture – they think it’s all very similar, formulaic, and manufactured.’ People going to believe that the correct one should be like on tv shows, ads or magazines. (Beauty, physical appearance, behaviors …) (Agree)
c) ‘… takes up so much time in people’s everyday consciousness – occupying senses from the time they leave the factory in the evening to the time they clock in again the next morning, leaving no opportunity for resistance to develop.’ it makes people believe more easily. (Agree)
2. Paragraph:
The effects of advertisements on teenage girls and young women about femininity. (Kilbourne, p. 158, 159,160,161.)
Should thin, should have make up, health problems…
a) ‘Primary girls are told by advertisers that what is most important about them is their perfume, their clothing, their bodies, their beauty…cosmetic kit form a teen magazine offered a cute boy… even very little girls are offered makeup and toys like special night barbie…they must be thin.’ (Kilbourne p. 159) (Disagree)
b) ‘A research… the more likely they were to diet and feel that magazines influence…but only 29 percent were actually overweight.’ (Kilbourne p. 159)
c) ‘Many young women have told me that their boyfriends wanted them to lose weight.’ (Kilbourne, p. 160)
d) ‘Girls made to feel so terrible about themselves that they would rather be dead than fat. This wouldn’t be happening, of course, if it weren’t for our last socially acceptable prejudice.’ (Kilbourne, p. 161)
Understanding of femininity (Kilbourne, p. 164, 165) Silence, passive, childish.
a) ‘The silence of a look can reveal more than words. Let your fingers do the talking.’ (Kilbourne p. 164)
b) ‘Many ads feature girls and young women in very passive poses…’ (Kilbourne p. 165)
c) ‘… girls and women are childish and cannot be taken seriously…’(Kilbourne p. 165)
3. Paragraph:
Rewrite thesis in different form
Summarize the ideas