they work hard to protect their model.
In the USA society predominated the WASP model.
WASP culture is still important at the education entities. Prep schools, colleges and universities are very meritocratic. It provides skills to the students to be influent in the politic, finance and cultural ambit, so they can continue promoting the model. Those families are frequently from the upper class, and they like to preserve some traditional customs from the British culture, like squash, golf, tennis and polo. This people assist to the same private clubs and churches. In addition they live in important places that represent he American culture like Philadelfia, New Jersey, Boston, etc. That is why the little cultures like Spanish or Chinese are marginalized from the American
In USA, one important political party is the Republican Party. The Republican Party members are mainly WASP people, so they try to impose their model and continue with the Anglo-conformism. A big influence in the country. They do not want foreign people because they are taking their jobs, their houses and filling their health services. So most people in the USA reject them, even if they are legal residents. In fact, the Republican Party has the most extreme position. The 80% of its members are against the immigration. They consider that should not be any kind of immigration and the law should punish very hard the illegal immigration. In fact the Arizona law was made to avoid illegal immigrants. This law punishes the companies inside Arizona, which hire illegal immigrants.