Anyone can buy them. With civilians using the drones it can cause several problems. Air safety being one of the problems: “Since June 2014 commercial and private pilots have reported some 25 near collisions with drones.” (Difa) With people going beyond the set altitude limit, drones are being sucked into engines, rotors, or propellers. Illegal surveillance or spying on people can occur too. If anyone can have a drone and fly it, then there is nothing stopping them from going to a hotel thirty stories up and peeping through windows. People should have to have permission or a warrant to fly them in certain places, or it invades peoples’ privacy. I also don’t think anyone, besides the government, should be allowed to have them because eventually someone will take advantage of it, and then it will turn into a big ordeal.
It’s like a saying my dad always told me, “Don’t let one bad apple ruin the whole batch.” Some people will abuse the drones for their own pleasure, but that does not make all drone usage bad. There are some positive things about civil drones. They can help with search and rescue parties, mapping, surveillance over certain areas like the Mexican border, and more. NASA has used the drones to watch hurricanes along with other natural …show more content…
For example, a police officer or an FBI agent could use it to talk to people. Maybe someone made them mad, and to get revenge, they use the video surveillance to determine where they are or how they go about their day to get back at them. There are real people controlling these, not a machine, and they are watching the cameras for suspicious behavior. Not everyone is racist, but there are some people who may not accept a certain race and will target them instead of someone who might actually be committing a crime. Yes, video surveillance can be misused, but what can’t be oppressed in today’s