This was chosen as a national goal because suicide is a major, preventable public health problem. According to the Centers
References: 1. The Joint Commission (2010). Accreditation Program: Behavioral Health Care National Patient Safety Goals (Pre-publication version, Effective July 1, 2010). Retrieved from: 2. Anderson, S.C., Ridge, R., Latimer G.E. (2007) Assessing Suicide Risk and Defining Precautions: Evaluating Join Commission Expectations and Implementation Examples Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. website: 3. National Institute of Mental Health, Suicide in the U.S.: Statistics and Prevention. (2010). (NIH Publication 06-4594) Retrieved from: 4. Pat Adamski. (2007). Recognizing the issues behind patient suicide. Nursing Management, 38(5), 10. Retrieved November 10, 2010, from ProQuest Medical Library. (Document ID: 1272466821). 5. Kee, J.L, Hayes, E.R., McCuistion, Linda E. (2009) Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizers. Pharmacology A Nursing Process Approach. (p.409) Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis, MO. 6. Hagen, L. & Quillen, J. (2010). NPSG#15A: Crafting a Suicide Risk Assessment Policy. Strategies for Nurse Retrived from: 7. The Joint Commission. Inpatient Suicides: Recommendations for Prevention The Sentinel Event Alert. (Issue 7) November 6, 1998. Retrieved from: 8. Centers for Disease Control, Injury Prevention and Control: Data and Statistics. (2010) 10 Leading Causes of Death 2007. 10 Leading Causes of Non-fatal injury. Retrieved from: 9. Luoma JB, Pearson JL, Martin CE. Contact with mental health and primary care prior to suicide: a review of the evidence. American Journal of Psychiatry, 2002; 159: 909-16.