mildly bittersweet with a hint of barley, malt and hops. Carlo is tranced as he walks slowly
towards the lake. The water's level is at his waist; he slowly lowers his head , sipping a
bit. Carlo likes it. Carlo likes it a lot! The sweet earthy herbal taste gradually elicits
ecstacy. The brew is thick, rich, with floral and grapefruit notes. He can sense a slight
sourness and mysterious enchanting undertone deep within yellowish hue. He started
swimming...slowly, in a very phelgmatic manner. Once every minute, he can’t control himself
from sipping the mysterious liquor. He did became drunk once so he knows the consequences--
it's just that all his attempt to fight the rapturous delight he feels whenever his tongue …show more content…
He notice less of what is going
around. His head feels lighter as his blood vessels expand. He can feel his brain pushing
against his skull. His lucid, relaxed mind starts to dissolve into incoherence as his sense
of balance diminish. His body temperature lowers as his reflexes depress. His relfexes
starts to depress; his feet failing to respond. He starts to sink...eyes slowly closing. The sould is losing its bind to its body. |||Not yet boy! Not yet! Someone yelled inside his head. |||A whisper or a shout? Then he remembered that day; the train’s engine was loud and he can’t sleep. The
stars started to come out. |||Did the stars showed itself to me by mere chance or because I
have gazed enough? There's no stopping now. He opens his eyes. Consciousness starts to pump into his arteries. He's still
sinking down the lake. He starts shouting and bellowing as if he's trying to free from
something. He starts to pedal himself up. Upon reaching the surface he sharply draws