
The Land Ethic Chapter 1 Summary

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The Land Ethic Chapter 1 Summary
In Chapter four of approaches to peace it about how we reach the goal of having positive peace. Each essay is like a piece to the puzzle. Gaining positive peace is the goal, but it’s an issue that can’t just be attacked all at once. The goal needs to be broken down into small bits to be solved. In chapter Four each of the articles is little pieces to puzzle of building positive peace in the world.
Article one The Land Ethic by Aldo Leopold. Leopold talks about how humans have the job of taking care of the natural world. The essay is about creating a stronger bond between human and the environment. All members of a community need to be treated with respect and it will benefit of all. Leopold explains how the environment is part of that community. Leopold wanted people to go out into nature and build a connect because he believed that it would have a positive effect on peoples ethics. Speech to the United Nations was a speech given by Pope Francis in 2015. In the pope's speech, he addresses a lot of topic of what he believes is wrong is wrong in the world. Francis talks about how
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In How to judge Globalism Sen talks about the difference between Globalization and westernization. Sen say’s that westernization is done by North America and European countries just so that can gain for it. Those countries care more about the money they can get from it. Not on how It can help other. Globalization is on the opposite end of westernization. Globalization has had a positive impact on the world through travel, migration, cultural influences, and Trade. Globalization was around long before westernization. An example would be how China had the technology of printing on paper long before anyone knew about it. Then it spread throughout the world that is how globalism work china did gain riches from the idea. That’s the difference globalism helps the world, while westernization wants to help you but it comes with a

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