Even though Larry did save Kitty’s life he is a bad mentor based off the simple fact that he endangered her to begin with and if he had not done that the whole situation would have been avoided. Larry Said “ The ladder was swaying back and forth. It seemed like it had never been so loosey-goosey.” Larry was obviously aware that the ladder was shaky and unstable. …show more content…
He dared Kitty up the ladder “ Dare You” Kitty replied “ Dares go first” Larry Replied “ Girls go before boys” & Kitty Said “ Not if it’s dangerous” and when she said she would not go up unless he went up first , up he went. With these actions here Larry would not qualify as a good leader.
This recklessness got Larry a spanking and Kitty a broken ankle “ Every time I whack you , Larry , I want you to thank God your sister is still alive” Larry’s Dad said. “He whacked me plenty times , so many times i ate standing up for a week.” But Larry already knew the consequences of his actions before he completed them. He knew himself or kitty could get hurt but yet nothing stopped