Assessment no.4
The legal and insurance implications of staging a concert.
Before staging a concert in a locality, there are some areas that need to be considered like:
• Organizational structure and legal status • Event Ownership • Contracts and agreements • Licences and permission • Insurance
Organizational Structures
There are five types of organisational structures each with a different legal status, namely:
• Unincorporated association
• Sole Trader • Parent Organisation • Limited Company • Charitable Status
! Unincorporated association
It is an arrangement between members whereby a committee is formed and the organisation is run under a simple constitution. However each member of the committee is personally liable for any debts or actions that the organisation may have raised.
Therefore it is necessary to draw up an agreed written constitution outlining what the organisation does and how it is managed. This implies:
• The name of the organisation trades under • The aims of the organisation
• The means by which these aims can be achieved
• Eligibility of membership