The life world is an intersubjective world, one that existed before our birth; it was created by our predecessors and it was given to us to experience and interpret. One's life-world, in other words, predates an individual's birth and is given to them to struggle with and attempt to transform. The life-world is therefore constraining, and people are always trying to shape or dominate it
Cultural world was created by people in the past as in the present because it originates in and has been instituted by human actions; all cultural objects such as tools, symbols, languages, art, and social institutions point back to the origin and meaning of human action
In his analysis of the life world Schutz was mainly concerned with the shared social stock of knowledge that leads to more or less habitual action
Schutz views knowledge as the most variable element in our stock of knowledge because in a problematic situation we are able to come up with innovative ways of handling the situation
Two aspects of stock of knowledge that is less likely to become problematic:
1. Knowledge of skills- most basic knowledge that rarely becomes problematic
2. Useful knowledge-