Overview of Livestock in Pakistan * Livestock plays an important role in the economy of Pakistan and in the rural socio-economic system * 30-40% of income of more than 35 million rural population comes from livestock production activities * The livestock sector contributed 50% of the agriculture value added and 11% to National GDP in 2006-07 * Eight percent of total exports derived from livestock and livestock products * Pakistan possesses some of the finest dairy breeds like Nili-Ravi and Kundi buffaloes, and Red Sindhi & Sahiwal cattle, > 30 small ruminant breeds * Fifth largest milk producing country
Future Development in the Industry * A number of initiatives have been taken by the government to promote this industry – * including :
Duty free import of agro based machinery etc * Provision of veterinary health coverage by livestock dept. * Establishment of beef and mutton fattening farms , slaughter houses in private sector Milk collection ,Processing and Dairy Production Development Programs (LDDB -15%financial assistance) * National Poultry and Fisheries Development Policy * EU –GOP “ Strengthening of Livestock Services in Pakistan (RP , PPR , Training of VETS, VET Asst , livestock farmers and women) * Prime Minister’s Special Initiative for Livestock * Many other public/ private sector initiatives
(Million Heads)
PROVINCE Cattle Buffalo Sheep Goats Camels
PAKISTAN 29.56 27.33 26.49 53.78 0.92
Percent distribution
NWFP 21.5 6.3 13.3 17.5 8.3
Punjab 43.2 60.8 24.3 37.1 18.6
Sindh 28.9 31.8 18.2 23.8 29.7
Balochistan 6.4 1.1 44.2 21.6 43.4
Economic Survey (2006-07)
Challenges Facing Livestock * Poor genetic & reproductive efficiency * Epidemics of infectious diseases * Lack of organized marketing * Small holders’ production system * Shortage (by