Genre: This book is a horror fiction which most of King’s books are categorized in. I have never read any books by Stephen King but I plan on reading more. This book was a great entrance book to Stephen King written books.
Title: “The Long Walk” makes you wonder what is the walk about and what makes it so long. It caught my eye when I searching for a book by this author to read. It fits very well with the text of the book, not once does it make you think twice about the title.
Pictures/Book Jacket/Cover/Printing: The book cover says ‘Stephen King writing as Richard Bachman, The Long Walk” followed by a pair of bloody sneakers. I was ready and eager to read the book because the cover was catching to the eye and the bloody sneakers makes you …show more content…
You are reading as Ray Garraty in first and third person throughout the book. They all met before the walk and stayed in a group the whole walk. Baker, Olsen, and McVries give their lives up for Ray at the end of the book so Ray can win the annual “Long Walk”.
Principles/Characters: I liked the blood and gore that was vividly described in the book. It was just right and didn’t go overboard with the gore. I liked Ray Garraty the most because although he was the main character, King made Ray the same as every teenage boy. He had the same thoughts and talked the same. Ray was a character you would want to be friends with in real life.
Main Ideas: The main idea was an annual walk, “The Long Walk”where walkers need to walk at a four mile an hour pace while walking as far as possible. If you receive more than four warnings you get your ticket, which is shot in the head. Many characters died because there were one hundred boys, but when they referred to the “ticket” in the book, I never knew what it meant until the first to die was shot in the