Title: “The Lottery vs. The Rocking-Horse Winner”
I. Introduction
A. In what ways are the two shorts stories by Shirley Jackson and D.H. Lawrence similar and different.
B. In “The Lottery vs. The Rocking-Horse Winner” we are analyzing the similarities and differences in setting from a fictional viewpoint between these two short stories.
II. Body
A. What are the settings of these two short stories, 1. Where do they take place 2. When do they take place
3. What similarities and differences do these stories have in common, considering where and when they take place B. What is the atmosphere in which these stories are set 1. Are the characters affected by atmosphere
2. What are the similarity and differences of atmosphere between these two stories C. Was any part of the setting a symbol
III. Conclusion
A. Did the settings of the two stories create the opposite of what occurred
Introduction and Thesis In what ways are the two shorts stories by Shirley Jackson and D.H. Lawrence similar and different. This will be our main focus in “The Lottery vs. The Rocking-Horse Winner”; we are analyzing the similarities and differences in the setting of these two stories from a fictional viewpoint.
“The Lottery vs. The Rocking-Horse Winner” When considering the settings of “The Lottery” and “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” taking into consideration where and when these stories took place is critical. “The Lottery,” took place on a clear and sunny summers morning, at about 10o’clock on the 27th of June, with the flowers blooming profusely and the grass a richly green. The villagers were gathering on the square, between the Post office and the bank. “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” on the other hand does not give you a clear date or time of the story, even though it mentions Christmas when the children started to here the house speak, which would imply December. However, later in the story we read the Uncle Oscar took Bassett and Paul out