TASK: We learned about several forms of financial and non-financial motivation. Look at the business situation and recommend what method(s) you would suggest and why. (16 marks)
1. Employees at Pinterest. (Pinterest currently has no revenue. Their start-up cost was paid by private investors. They plan to sell ad space that will generate revenue after they become established).
2. Production line workers at General Motors.
Production line workers would require financial motivation from performance-related pay. So that their product is built well. The more skilled the workers become the more they can make. Which would motivate them to become more skilled. But they would also need non-financial motivation of teamwork. So employees do not feel so isolated and can ask others for help. This would motivate them by being more comfortable with the workplace and allowing them to ask questions if they do not understand something.
3. Wait staff at a high priced restaurant.
These employee’s would need a combination of financial and non-financial motivation techniques. Time-rates and benefits for financial so that the employees do not exhaust themselves. Also to not become demotivated. Non-financial would include job rotation and job enrichment to give hope to employees of becoming higher in the organization. Rotation would allow excitement and change to keep the employees from becoming bored.
4. AT&T Wireless Sales Reps.
Sales reps would require non-financial motivation to avoid from becoming money hungry. This could be caused by doing anything for a sale. They would need job enlargement. This would help the employee’s be motivated to move up in the organization.
5. Executives at Wells Fargo
Since executives are promoters they would require mainly non-financial motivation. This is so the executives won't do anything immoral to receive a higher pay. They would require job enrichment to allow