U.S. marine Logan Thibault set out looking for a woman in a photo he found , who he believes protected him while in Iraq.
Why did Logan decide to hold onto a photograph of a woman he didn’t know? He asked several marines. But no one had ever seen the woman before. So when no one claims the picture he decides to keep it and hold on to it waiting for someone to claim the photo, because in Iraq a picture could mean the world to one person. But holding onto the photo provided Logan with good luck in every situation he is put into. When the picture saved him multiple times. Logan decided he would do anything he could to repay the woman in the picture.
Why did Logan say the photo was a good luck charm? The first day Logan seen the picture laying on the ground he stopped to pick the it up, as he stood back up a bomb went off and killed tons on people but Logan lived. Victor one of Logan’s friends said he believed that the woman in the picture was his lucky charm because he had never got hurt at war or even received a scratch while others died. Also on the back of the photo is said, “Keep safe.” As it was meant for Logan to find it and it to keep him safe and protect him through the war. When Victor and Logan were sent home from their duties their tank blew up as they were driving back and Logan lived as Victor died.
Why did Logan not stay in Colorado with his sister and her family? Logan suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. He thought people were trying to kill him if they woke him from a dead sleep. Logan’s nephews went to wake him but before Logan knew what he was doing he grabbed one of them and put him in a deathly move which was called a head-lock, it slowly makes you lose the oxygen to your brain until you fall fast asleep which main cause brain damage. He didn’t mean to react this way but couldn’t control himself. Logan also left to set out on a mission to find the woman in the photo that he believed saved
Cited: 1.) “Edublogs.org.” The Lucky One.2010.27 Sept.2012 2.) “Enotes.” Ed. Scott Locklear.2009.27 Sept.2012 3.) Grand Central Publishing.2008.27 Sept.2012 4.) SR. Rose Pacatte, F.S.P.2009.27 Sept.2012