“The Machine Stops” illustrates how society vowed their life for technology, and how they ended up being the object of a modernized technology. The way the conversation and narration describes how Vashti is willing enough to let Kuno go, yet is resistant on letting go the Machine, like it is part of her life, is assumedly a condition where technology is taking dominance within the society. This story pictures how the future live is all about human kind relying on technology for their life. “and you would need a respirator, or the cold of the outer air would kill you” (p.4) is a line said by Vashti to Kuno to prevent him from taking risk. It basically says that technology sets a border to our imagination and exploration, preventing us from the exploration of mind and the exploration of the outside …show more content…
The Transcendence implies how technology conquer our life and how humankind is treated like lab rats for the favor that seemingly says that technology helps revive the death, which impulsively is something nothing can reach for. The Machine Stops pictures a situation where we are being spoiled by technology, and where the boundary of technology is our safe zone. The way Vashti insisted going out of her beehive-like home is basically trying to imply that the society, even with the obvious limitation, is enjoying what technology is providing them with, not willing to take the initiative for a better and the life of