changes documents to better suit the party. They review ,change or destroy all forms of entertainment. Winston, even though he hates the party, loves his job because it is very challenging. Through his job he learns the extent of his party's lies which increases his hate of them. Winston buys a diary in which he writes about how he hates the party and wishes for their down fall. For him writing in the diary he immediately considers himself a dead man because he has committed a thought crime against the party. If you commit a thought crime you are eventually caught and arrested by the thought police and taken to an unknown fate at the Ministry of Love. Winston furthers his crime by starting a private relationship with a woman named Julia. This is a crime in that the party arranges couples, not the citizens. This is done to help eliminate individuality. In this conflict, instead of the good guys winning, the bad guys do. Winston and Julia, rather than inciting a revolution or escaping the country, are caught by the thought police and taken to the Ministry of Love. At the Ministry of Love, Winston is tortured until his spirit is broken and he no longer has even the faintest thought of rebellion. They then torture him more to brainwash him to get him to love the party and eventually release him back into society as a loyal party member.
changes documents to better suit the party. They review ,change or destroy all forms of entertainment. Winston, even though he hates the party, loves his job because it is very challenging. Through his job he learns the extent of his party's lies which increases his hate of them. Winston buys a diary in which he writes about how he hates the party and wishes for their down fall. For him writing in the diary he immediately considers himself a dead man because he has committed a thought crime against the party. If you commit a thought crime you are eventually caught and arrested by the thought police and taken to an unknown fate at the Ministry of Love. Winston furthers his crime by starting a private relationship with a woman named Julia. This is a crime in that the party arranges couples, not the citizens. This is done to help eliminate individuality. In this conflict, instead of the good guys winning, the bad guys do. Winston and Julia, rather than inciting a revolution or escaping the country, are caught by the thought police and taken to the Ministry of Love. At the Ministry of Love, Winston is tortured until his spirit is broken and he no longer has even the faintest thought of rebellion. They then torture him more to brainwash him to get him to love the party and eventually release him back into society as a loyal party member.