In this modern era of technology, there are many people who get involved in relationships during their teens compared to the olden days. It seems to be a popular trend to be in a relationship while pursuing their university education. Such a move might have advantages as well as disadvantages. In my opinion, it is all right for university students to go on dates and commit themselves to a steady relationship.
Firstly, courting couples can offer moral and emotional support while they are studying. For instance, most university students leave their homes to pursue their studies. Therefore, they lack the love and attention of their loved ones. With a partner beside, one can share their troubles together and face challenges together. As the saying goes, “Trouble shared is trouble halved; joy shared is joy doubled.”
Secondly, couples in a relationship can find suitable life partners. They can learn to practise tolerance and understand each other. They will have more time to know each other well. If they find that they are not suited for each other, they can amicably break up and remain as friends. Consequently, they can avoid marital problems in future.
Some may claim that dating may distract undergraduates from pursuing their education. However, if their partners are more disciplined and are concerned about their studies, their time would not be wasted. Instead they can have a healthy competition among them. Together they can try and achieve academic excellence. At tertiary level, students are mature enough to handle academic challenges and relationship problems.
In a nutshell, it is all right for university students to go on dates and commit themselves to a steady relationship because relationships offer them mental and emotional support while studying. Moreover, the university setting gives them an avenue to find prospective life partners.
TUTORIAL 3(Ms.Amutha’s Class)
Most youth today get involved in relationships while they are still at university. This trend is made much easier with the availability of social networks and mobile phones. In my opinion, students should wait till they are settled with their careers to consider dating and getting into a serious relationship. I have valid reasons to make my stand.
Firstly, courting students may face emotional and financial problems when studying. Undergraduates might undergo great stress due to academic work such as assignments, reports and examinations. Hence, the relationship will add on to the stress. Other than that, students are usually dependent on their parents financially. During a relationship, they tend to buy annual gifts for each other. However, the expenses are born by their parents. Therefore, students should only start a relationship after they are financially stable. In other words, they will only be able to cope with a relationship as working adults.
Secondly, courtship will affect students’ academic achievements. For example, students will not be able to fully focus on their education but instead spend more time with their partners. Besides, they will not be able to manage their time efficiently since their schedule is often upset by their partners’ plans. Therefore, the students will not have sufficient time to rest, relax and revise their lessons.
Some may claim that engaging in a relationship while in university or college level might offer us a wider prospect of getting a suitable life partner. However, upon entering the corporate world, after graduating, working adults are exposing themselves to an even greater and wider range of people from business associates, giving them even more choices of choosing a suitable life partner. In conclusion, university students should not go on dates and commit themselves to a steady relationship. Instead, they have to wait till they are settled with their careers to consider dating and getting into a serious relationship. Improper time management will result in poor academic performance and their future career may be at stake. Thus, I strongly agree that students should seek a serious relationship only after they achieve a stable financial status.
TUTORIAL 4 (Ms.Amutha’s Class)
University students enjoy a lot of freedom because they are away from parental control. Being involved in a wide social network in university, it is common to see university students committing themselves to a relationship. Courtship can be beneficial to tertiary students as they are quite mature to handle their academic challenges and demands of a relationship. In my opinion, it is all right for university students to go on dates and commit themselves to a steady relationship.
Firstly, courting couples will offer emotional support to each other. They can share their problem with each other and get a better idea or solution from each other. For example, when some of them undergo stress during examination, they can share their difficulty and the partner may console and suggest a solution. Therefore, the couple can take care of each other and enjoy a better university life.
Secondly, dating is an avenue to find a more suitable life partner. Dating allows the students to have time to understand their partners. During courtship, if the couple find themselves mismatched, they still have a chance to date others and find an ideal match. As a person gets old, he or she is desperate to find a partner and may end up with an unsuitable partner. Consequently, divorce may occur. Hence, university setting offers the best opportunity to find a prospective life partner.
Some may claim that university students should wait till they are settled with their career before they get into a serious relationship because they can concentrate better on their academics to achieve excellent result. However, the students will often feel stress and tension especially during the examination season. When the student is overwhelmed with stress, the lover can help to relieve the stress by offering moral support. In conclusion, dating while studying in a university will enable an individual to get emotional support in the absence of their parents and also to find a suitable life partner .Therefore, it is all right for university students to court and commit themselves into a serious relationship without the need to wait till they are settled with their careers.
Tutorial 8 –(Ms.Amutha’s Class)
It is not uncommon to see a lot of university students starting their relationship and going on dates during their university life. Many university students are influenced by their friends who get involved in relationships. They think they are mature to have a steady relationship while pursuing their tertiary studies. Besides, they watch a lot of love dramas which tend to influence their thinking that love can overcome every obstacle. In my opinion, university students should wait until they are settled with their career to consider dating and getting into a serious relationship.
Firstly, university students should not get into a serious relationship because it will affect their studies and they cannot concentrate on their studies. For instance, there might be some conflicts between couples. Therefore, they have to spend most of their time solving their relationship problems instead of studying. Moreover, tertiary education can be very demanding. They should not get too emotional during their studies because it may distract their focus on studies.
Secondly, university students who get involved in relationships may incur unnecessary expenses. For example, they will spend money on buying presents, entertainment and making phone calls. This may affect their budget as students do not hold a job and are dependents. Some students come from poor family backgrounds and have to live from hand to mouth. Hence, they will face stress and financial constraints. Unless students graduate and have their own income, they cannot pay for the expenses to maintain a relationship. For instance, the couple can pay for their entertainment expenses without relying on their parents. Consequently, they can enjoy the relationship without facing financial problem.
Some may claim that they can find their life partners in university by having a steady relationship while pursuing studies. They can be in courtship which is more interesting than a single life. However, they will spend more time and money on the relationship than expected. They will be distracted from their studies and may even fail their examinations. People change as time changes so their so called ‘life partner’ may not be their life partner after all. They will emotionally suffer more when the couples break off.
In a nutshell, university students should remain single until they graduate from university because they will get distracted from their studies as well as face financial constraints. Therefore, it is a better idea to postpone dating until students graduate and hold a stable job.
Tutorial 9- Ms.Amutha’s Class (Edited)
University is a place that nurtures students to cope with their future careers. University graduates with excellent results will be assured of securing better job opportunities. However, in order to pass with flying colours, students must completely focus on their studies and not get distracted by getting into a serious relationship. Hence, I think that university students should not commit themselves to a serious relationship before graduating.
Firstly, university students cannot fully concentrate on their studies if they are in a relationship. They tend to spend more time dating instead of doing revision. Hence, they may neglect their coursework or even their class attendance. In the long run, their results will worsen. Eventually, they will not graduate with excellent results and may not find well paying jobs. Secondly, those who are dating may face financial problems. Courting couples may be obligated to buy each other gifts. Besides, couples also spend more money on entertainment and phone bills. When financial problem arises they may be tempted to take on a part time job in order to cover the cost. As they go for part time jobs, time for studies would reduce significantly. Moreover, they would feel depressed as their academic results deteriorate.
Some may claim that it is all right for university students to be involved in a relationship because they are mature enough to cope with their academic challenges and their relationships. However, it is generally observed that most students jeopardize their studies while being in a relationship. For instance, there have been many cases of students playing truant or staying up late just to be with their lovers. This would mean that they are prioritizing their relationship above their studies. Thus, it may affect their future career undertakings.
In conclusion, university students should not go on dates and commit themselves to a steady relationship. Instead, they should wait till they are settled with their careers as they do not have the allocation of money for the extra expenses and also to avoid getting distracted from their studies.
Tutorial 10- Ms.Amutha’s Class (Edited)
University students face a lot of academic challenges such as assignments, report writing and examinations. Amidst these challenges, students often court and get into a serious relationship. In my opinion, it is all right for university students to court and commit themselves to a steady relationship.
Firstly, at university, students can go on dates to find more suitable partners. University setting offers the best avenue to mingle with a lot of people especially the opposite sex. Undergraduates thus have a better chance to find compatible partners who are academically qualified.
Secondly, courting couple can motivate each other to study hard and achieve academic excellence. When they face problems with their coursework, they can share some useful information and guide each other. If one of them studies seriously, the other partner will definitely follow his or her footsteps. So, they can influence each other to improve their academic achievement during their university life.
Some may claim that they should wait till they are settled with their careers to consider dating and getting into a serious relationship to avoid distraction in studies. However, if the courting couples handle their relationships wisely, it can be a motivating factor for them. In fact, by being in a relationship students may become more mature as they learn to overcome obstacles.
In conclusion, university students that have a steady and healthy relationship can improve their academic results. They can motivate each other to study and help each other when they face difficulties in their studies. Besides, they may find suitable life partners that have the same interest. Therefore, it is all right for university students to go on dates and commit themselves to a steady relationship.
Tutorial 13 - Ms.Amutha’s Class (Edited)
Dating among university students has become a controversy as it contradicts with the older generation’s ideology. With the recent advancement in modern technology and communication, the social circle of youths has widened. It is not uncommon to see university students using social networks to get involved in relationships. In my opinion, it is all right for university students to go on dates and commit themselves to a steady relationship.
Firstly, courting couples can motivate each other to pursue academic excellence. Youths are vulnerable so they are easily influenced by their peers. If one of them is poor in academics, the other one can help and consult the other partner when facing problems in studies. Besides, they can emotionally support each other. For example, when the examination is around the corner, the couple can help to release each other’s stress and encourage to focus on revision.
Secondly, university students who go on dates can become more mature in communicating with the opposite sex. A person who involves in a relationship can learn more about how to care for his or her partner. For example, one will understand his partner’s circumstances well. Therefore, one can encourage his or her partner appropriately. For instance, when one is facing pressure in his or her studies, the other one can give support and motivation. Furthermore, one will learn how to manage his own emotional struggles. One will try to tolerate his or her partner’s attitudes and habits thus overcoming conflicts in everyday affairs.
I do agree that committing to a relationship after getting a career can lead to a stable bond between the couple. However, being in love while pursuing their studies does not mean that a couple is immature in thinking. As university students, they are capable of taking care of themselves and also their partners. So ,getting into a serious relationship while studying is acceptable.
In conclusion, university students can commit themselves to a steady relationship as the couple will be able to motivate each other in their studies. Furthermore, they will become more mature in communicating with the opposite sex.
Tutorial 14 -Ms.Amutha’s Class(Edited)
It is common to see university students courting around the campus. However, majority of students focus on their studies to achieve their career goals. In my opinion, students should wait till they are settled with their career to consider dating and getting into a serious relationship.
Firstly, university students may be unable to manage their time properly if they go on dates and commit themselves to a steady relationship .They tend to waste their time on Internet and phone calls to communicate with their lovers. Instead of going on dates they can use the time to do more research and revision to improve their academic performance .Thus, they maybe unable to graduate on time.
Secondly, university students will face financial problems if they go on dates. Most university students are not working adults. They are dependents as their tuition fees are paid by their parents. When they go on dates, they must spend money on meals and other entertainments like watching movies at the cinema. Besides, couples are obliged to buy presents for each other and waste money on phone calls. This is a sheer waste of money.
Some may claim that courting couples can relieve themselves of their stress. However, over- indulgence in a relationship will affect their academic results. Those who fail the examination may need to repeat their papers. This increases their tension as it is a waste of time and money. In conclusion, university students should wait until they have steady careers and stable income before getting into a relationship. Therefore, they can manage their time well and cut down their expenses.
Tutorial 16-MS.AMUTHA’S CLASS (Edited) According to recent research findings, academic performance of university students who involve in relationships seem to be deteriorating. It is not surprising to see more and more teenage girls getting pregnant and discontinuing their studies. In my opinion, university students should wait till they are settled with their careers to consider dating and getting into a serious relationship. I have valid reasons to make my stand.
Firstly, university students can concentrate on their studies better if they commit themselves to a steady relationship after they graduate and settle with their career. This is because having a serious relationship during university life will affect their academic performance as they will spend more time on dating instead of studying. Besides, at times, they might be emotional as they may have to handle conflicts. This will strongly affect their mood. Therefore, they will lose their focus on their studies and be distracted by irrelevant disputes.
Secondly, those who go on dates and commit themselves to a steady relationship may overspend on entertainment, meals and phone calls. This may further burden their parents’ financial commitment. It is not fair for parents as they are already financing their children’s tuition fees and living expenses. Besides, students should spend their money on reference books and stationery. Moreover, couples are obliged to buy presents for each other which may affect their expenses. Thus, undergraduates should postpone dating until they hold a job. Some people claim that it is all right for university students to get involved in courtships because it can be a setting to know more people as well as find their prospective life partners. However, they may make the wrong choice of partners because they may be immature at this vulnerable age. Furthermore, they may even break up after they graduate or meet other desirable partners. Hence, dating is not advisable for university students. In conclusion, university students should wait till they are settled with their career to consider dating and getting into a serious relationship so that they can concentrate better on their studies and enhance their academic performance. Besides, they can cut down unnecessary expenses.
Ms.Amutha’s class /Edited
Recent records show that the standard of students’ education is gradually deteriorating. One of the reasons is that students are getting too deeply involved in relationships thus neglecting their studies. In my opinion, university students should wait until they are settled with their careers to consider dating and getting into serious relationships.
Firstly, most university students are at a vulnerable age so they lack maturity. This may lead them to commit themselves to serious relationships. Students may be influenced by peer pressure to get involved in courtships. Students of this age may also lack the ability to choose suitable life partners which may be detrimental to their future married life. Thus, it is worth waiting until they have settled with their careers. Secondly, students who go on dates while studying face financial problems. This is because students are not working and are normally financially dependent on their parents. Students who court usually spend a lot of money on entertainment, meals and communication. They contact each other via hand phones. They have no qualms about wasting their parents’ hard earned money. Instead of spending money on courtship, they may spend their money in proper way such as buying stationery and reference books.
Some may claim that involving in a relationship helps the couple in their studies. They can hold discussions especially if they are pursuing the same course. However, they can be distracted from their studies and be concerned about strengthening their relationship. Instead of studying, some may go beyond the limit and involve in premarital sex, which may lead to other complications.
In conclusion, university students should wait until they are settled with their careers to consider dating and getting into serious relationships. Undergraduates may not be able to cope with serious relationships because they may face financial constraints and lack maturity.
Pavithra’s Essay
Public schooling and homeschooling co-exist successfully in most countries. Parents are often faced with the dilemma of choosing between public school and home school their children. In my opinion, public school is better compared to home schooling due to several reasons. (Stand point)
Firstly, exposure to cultural diversity is the main advantage from public schooling. Children will get the chance to meet their peers from all walks of life in a public school. This creates opportunities for social interaction for the children, which eventually teaches them mutual tolerance. In the long run, children become more mature and are better prepared for tertiary education as well as the working world. (Argument 1)
Secondly, public schooling instills self-discipline in the children. The children will be placed in a highly structured environment, where rules and regulations need to be obeyed by everyone. This will pave the way for the children to be more disciplined. Such discipline will help them cope better with life’s challenges which require them to follow certain procedures and meet deadlines. (Argument 2)
Although some claim that home schooling enables parents to have a control over what they learn and who they mingle with, such a move will cause the children to become introverts with less exposure to the outside world. (Refuting point)
In conclusion, parents should opt for the public school as their children will have the right avenue for social interaction and self-discipline.
By Pavithra
Q5. Homeschooling is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private schools. Homeschooling is a legal option for parents in most countries to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to public or private schools outside the home. After considering the contrasting views of home schooling, I personally support public school education.
In addition to the reasons given in the passage, homeschooling does not provide an avenue for extracurricular activities and competitions. High school debaters, athletes, marching band participants and cheerleaders spend their spare time in college either continuing their ‘sport’ or coaching their juniors. They enjoy participating and succeeding in their activities, which is a valuable experience. A homeschooled child will not be able to go through this experience, which hinders them from knowing their natural talents.
Moreover, some parents have the inability to grasp difficult subject materials as some subjects are best learned through skilled teachers. For example, some parents have a hard time with subjects such as algebra or physics that they learned so many years ago. In any case, a homeschooled student might struggle to interpret instructions or concepts from relevant reading materials.
Some may claim that children who are homeschooled benefit from having more one-on-one attention. In a typical classroom where there are twenty-five to thirty students, it is hard for the teacher to give personal attention to individuals. However, homeschooled children who receive personal attention may be over reliant on their tutors, unlike the students in a public school who may become independent learners.
As a conclusion, parents should send their children to a public or private school because their children will be able to indulge in cocuriculuar activities as well as competitions and gain knowledge from well trained teachers.