a.Place:Nana Emilia’s Houseb.Time: The time setting for the action is in the afternoon. This storyhappened somewhat between 1950’s up to the present time. There is nospecific season for the said story but the story evolves in the evening.II.
a.Protagonist: Mr. Angeles
b.Antagonist: Himself III.
The story is started by Mr. Angeles who is coming home for hisperiodic inspection trip. Then he had written in Mariveles to Nana Emiliathat he has a surprise to him that he bought mats that are made by anartistic craftsman at this area. These mats have colorful designs withtheir own distinguish weaves, design, and colors. He is excited to give itto them all. .
b.Rising Action The rising action is when Mr. Angeles is giving his surprised gift tothe whole family. And the siblings were very excited to get their gifts.And one by one, on the lighted area of the house, he gave the mats withdistinguish names and symbolism on it.
The highest part of the story is wherein they all get the mats butthere are 3 remaining mats that must be unfolded. And Mr. Angelesunfold it one by one and he speaks in a loud voice that he offers thissimple mats to his 3 dead siblings which are Josefina, Victoria, andConcepcion
d.Falling Action The falling action of the story is where Nana Emilia and Mr.Angeles argues about this sensitive issue that they must forget alreadybecause they are dead but Mr. Angeles is so stubborn that heemphasized that these children must not be taken for granted