The main person in contact with the family should be the lead practioner, he/she are needed to act as a guide to the family and attend all support meetings throughout the process. The lead practioner should be the preferred person by the family/young person. According to International research practioners are sometimes wary to take on the mantle of lead practioner. It is fundamental for the progress of the model that members of child and family support networks take on this role.
Meitheal information can be completed electronically but should not be transferred this way, sent by post and to a named person, marked private and confidential.
‘’Self Directed Support (SDS) is a term that describes the ways in which individuals and families ca have informed choice about the way that support is provided to them. It includes a range of options. Through a co-production approach to agreeing individual outcomes, options are considered for ways in which available resources can be used so people ca n have greater levels of control over how their support needs are met, and by whom (Scottish