1. Get A Consolidation Loan For Your Credit Cards
The problem is that people keep getting back into debt with them once they have paid them off or paid off a chunk. Get a consolidation loan for a cheaper rate and cancel all your credit cards.
2. Sell Your Car, Van Or Motorbike
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Use A Clothesline Rather Than Radiators Or Driers
They can save you money for just a slight inconvenience. Even in winter, the cold air can draw moisture out so that your clothes don’t need as long on the radiators.
12. Lower Your Standard Of Living Until You Have To Wealth To Enjoy It Fully
There are plenty of online articles about saving money without sacrifice, but if you genuinely want to build wealth so you can stop working, then it is going to take sacrifice.
13. Unplug Things On Mass With A Power Strip
Unplugging your things before you go to bed or before you go to work is a good idea. Do it on mass and quickly with things such as your entertainment center with a simple multi-socket power strip.
14. Buy Clothes That Don’t Need Dry Cleaning
Dry cleaning costs are expenses that you can live without. There are plenty of clothing options where using machine washing at home will be fine.
15. Rent DIY Items Rather Than Buying
Do you really need to buy a jigsaw and nail gun to fix your shed roof? Can you borrow what you need from other people or hire them for a day instead?
16. Can You Fix Something Yourself Rather Than Having It Repaired Or