Why people want to be a rich man?
What is does rich mean?
In what do people see the richness? (Where do people find richness?)
And how can people become rich?
Some people thinks and wants to be rich, because they love money, they want expencive (espensive, costly) possessions such as: things, cars, great homes and ect. Some ones want to be a rich, because they love contribute, to help someone, poors, olds, who has need. Some ones consider the richness is to be only as in the form of money, wealth. But others, ones see the richness as internal richness. Actually, l know some people that they who do not have enough money but actually yet consider themselves a rich one, because they have rich and clean heart. (explain exactly how these individuals are rich and clean at heart, give on example minimum. They are kind hearted, selfless etc.) What we can be rich? We must try, we have to do something for the sake of richness?? Or we have to only wait, when chance will smile to us. (rewrite this sentence, is not thoroughly clear) l don’t approve neither of them (who do you not approve of? Those mentioned above? Explain). l think everything depends on only person in the life. l believe law attraction. Who wants something in the this life, l think absolutely he must want from heart. And he mustn’t thing negative parts of thing. Only positive. That is approved procedure. Beilive believe want and do it. ( you then mean to say that if we really wish for $1 M, think positively, we will then obtain it, it will come to us, explain) Eventually, basic question: what would you do if you won 1000000$. Begin your essay with this instead. Stick to the question, keep it simple. Provide additional info, if needed afterwards to support your opinion and thoughts on the matter at hand. The first thing that l would can do hypothetical language remember, it’s not for real, I thing I would be in big shock,( funny ! I think I