Our subconscious mind accept our belief , feelings , conviction and what we consciously accept.
Develop the following belief
What ever mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.
All power is within me I can have anything and everything in this world.
World is a beautiful place to live.
Opportunities are unlimited for me.
Everything is possible for me
Good things happens to me.
Everyone is helpful to me.
Its your right to be rich.You are here to lead the abundant life , and be happy , radiant , and free .
You are here to grow , expand , and unfold , spiritually , mentally and materially. You should surround yourself with beauty and luxury.
I am worthy of a higher salary I am receiving.
God wants you to be happy , prosperous, and successful .
You were born to succeed to win to conquer all difficulties and have all your faculties fully developed.
Get away immediately from all superstitious belief about money, people , surrounding situation. Do not regards anything as evil or bad.
We know that the force or the element of nature are not evil , it depends on ours use of them whether they bless or hurt us.
You can get money and attain a fortune.
Nature insist on balance
Money is like tide it goes and comes.
Everything happens for good.
When you think feel or say I am prosperous . God is within me. God is providing me all source of energy guiding me to become healthy wealthy prosperous and success in all walk of life.
See happy ending to every situation.
The only thing man has to do is to imagine and accept the end in his mind , and leave its unfoldment subjective wisdom within.
Thoughts and feelings are your destiny. You posses everything by right of consciousness. The consciousness of health produces health , consciousness of wealth produces wealth.
To walk on the Royal Roads to riches You must not place obstacle and impediment on the pathway of others , neither jealous or