In my opinion, I believe that Affirmative Action was possibly essential when it was originally enacted. While the harm done as a consequence of slavery and prejudice has not completely been conquer, I think we have reach a position of equal opportunity in this country where the accidental cost of ongoing affirmative action policies outweigh any advantage that they could realize. Consequently I am not in kindness of continued affirmative action policies but in its place hold up equal opportunity…
“Affirmative action was never meant to be permanent, and now is truly the time to move on to some other approach.” (Susan Estrich, 1952- ).…
In this essay I will expose what I see as the shortcomings of the current…
The Century Foundation is a progressive nonpartisan think tank. Originally known as the Twentieth Century Fund, it was founded in 1919 and initially endowed by Edward Filene, a leading Republican businessman and champion of fair workplaces and employee ownership strategies, all with an eye to ensuring that economic opportunity is available to all. Today, TCF issues analyses and convenes and promotes the best thinkers and thinking across a range of public policy questions. Its work today focuses on issues of equity and opportunity in the United States, and how American values can be best sustained and advanced in a world of more diffuse power.…
Should a man be hired for his skills or for the color of his skin? Is racial diversity in the business world more important then the most qualified workers? Affirmative action has become an important topic in today 's society to better diversify the different races in America. Affirmative action is a set of public policies that were designed for the elimination of discrimination toward race, color, sex, etc. These policies are under attack today because of the unfairness toward the more qualified people. Increasing opportunities for a minority that has suffered past discrimination is the cause for affirmative action, and for the reverse discrimination toward the majority. Many people view discrimination toward one race today to compensate for the discrimination of another race in the past as unfair. This reverse discrimination is unfair treatment toward the majority. Affirmative actions are policies created to give preferential treatment to the discriminated, but also discriminate as well.…
In 1972 The Equal Opportunities Act of 1972 set up a commission to enforce the…
Many years had passed until Affirmative Action was again brought up in court. In 2003, the cases of Gratz v. Bollinger and Grutter v. Bollinger set the stage for another challenge against Affirmative Action, but the Supreme Court stood its ground again and a decision was made that an increase in the number of minority applicants at a university was not unconstitutional. Affirmative Action was initially set in motion and passed as a law in order to alleviate a situation in which minorities were treated unfairly during the Civil Rights Movement, allowing for opportunities to be opened up for better employment, a hirer education and a better standing in society, however, the overall goal of Affirmative Action as being a policy that was supposed…
Marielena Hincapie’s article “Let Us DREAM” from the Huffington Post, published December 10, 2010 explains the argument on the passing of the DREAM Act and how she and the DREAMers are hoping for a better future and that will happen if the DREAM Act is passed, Marielena is in favor of the DREAM Act. She is the executive director of the National Immigration Law Center she’s a public interest lawyer who protects the rights of immigrant workers as herself, she serves on the American Bar Associations Commission on Immigration and on the executive committee of the National Lawyers Guilds Labor and Employment Committee.…
Hello Class. Let me start off by saying that I support the Republican Party's ideas and values and I am a proud supporter of George W. bush. Do I have your attention now? good. Founded in 1974, the American Association for Affirmative Action, otherwise known as AAAA is a non profit organization that helps minorities achieve equal opportunity in the work force ( The problem with American today is that we are seen as different people because of our skin color, and a catalyst for this is in fact, Affirmative Action. Don't get me wrong, I personally feel as if diversity should definitely be introduced to every single job that this country has to offer, but the way hiring goes is what's wrong. Let me give you a brief history of this country. Back in 1776 America gained independence from England and in the next 180 years, everyone worked for where they were. In the late 1800 early 1900's immigrants from Italy and Ireland came to American in search for a better life and had to work for every dime they ever made. My grandfather had 13 children, and his hard work and dedication to educate him self made him the man he was. In my opinion, as soon as Affirmative Action began, this country lost its dog eats dog mentality when it came to self achievement.…
By definition, racism is the discrimination of prejudice against race. Discrimination, by definition, is treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than on individual merit. In 1961, when President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10.925, he was indicating that individual businessmen should take affirmative action to ensure applicants and employees are treated "without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." His executive order implied equal access and nothing else. The system that has evolved since is a perversion of the original intent of affirmative action. The stipulations that make up affirmative action today are too narrow to effectively help in the fight against racism and discrimination.…
On Wednesday June 11, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time), the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, made a Statement of Apology to former students of Indian Residential Schools, on behalf of the Government of Canada.…
Sturkey, William M. "Affirmative Action." Contemporary American Social Issues. Vol. ………1. Santa Barabara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011. 9-18. Print.…
Bibliography: Espenshade, Thomas J. (October 4th 2012). Moving Beyond Affirmative Action. NY Times. Retrieved from…
In its tumultuous forty year history, affirmative action has been both praised and attacked as an answer to racial inequality. The policy was introduced by President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 as a method of redressing discrimination that persisted despite civil right efforts and constitutional guarantees. After the passage of Title VII, which prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and national origin, President Johnson shaped affirmative action through the passage of Executive Order 11246 in 1965. The executive order requires government contractors to "take affirmative action" toward prospective minority employees in all aspects of hiring and employment.…
Affirmative action is a practice that is intended to promote opportunities for the “protected class” which includes minorities, woman, and people with disabilities or any disadvantaged group for that matter. With affirmative action in place people of this protected class are given an even playing field in terms of hiring, promotion, as well as compensation. Historically, affirmative action is only known to have protected African Americans and woman; however that is not the case. Affirmative action protects a variety of people and without this statute many people included in this protected class would be unfairly discriminated against.…